Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Dis4- Discussion #4 - Are mass shootings an act of terrorism?


  • Dis4- Discussion #4 - Are mass shootings an act of terrorism?

    33 unread replies. 91 replies.

    This discussion assignment has 2 parts, and is a mandatory, graded class assignment. THIS ASSIGNMENT IS WORTH UP TO 5  POINTS. 

    No late work accepted under any circumstances... discussion board will close at 11:59 pm on the deadline date.  WRITE THE WORD COUNT AT END OF EACH RESPONSE.... NO WORD COUNT....NO FULL CREDIT

    1.  (3 pts)   Please write a 150-200 word response to the questions(s) below.  Responses less than 150 words will receive reduced credit.  This should be in your own words, using your own thoughts and ideas.  DO NOT RESEARCH for these questions, and do not give statistics, or information from other sources. Do not paraphrase or cite other sources.  ANSWER ALL PARTS OF THE QUESTION(S) FOR FULL CREDIT CONSIDERATION.      Hit "reply" button to submit an original response

    Should mass murder ( mass shootings) be labeled as an act of terrorism / domestic terrorism?  Why or why not?  In what ways might that "label" change the way people perceive the behavior, or change the way the crime is prosecuted and treated?  In the U.S. , most mass shootings are committed  by younger white males.  Is it appropriate to call this "white domestic terrorism"?  Why or why not?  ( remember to write an accurate word count at the end of your response)

    2.   ( 2 pt )   Please write  a 50-75 word (approx) answer to one of your classmate's response.  Open a classmate's response, read and give feedback to the writer.  Hit "reply" button to submit feedback to a classmate's response  ( remember to write an accurate word count at the end of your response)

    Please remember...NO LATE POSTINGS ALLOWED.   Students have multiple days to complete this assignment, so loss of power, loss of internet, and broken technology is NEVER an excuse for missing deadlines.  




    This topic was locked Nov 1 at 11:59pm.
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    I believe mass shootings can be labeled as an act of terrorism/ domestic terrorism. When I think of “terrorism” I associate it not only with the Taliban and Islamist extremists. For me, as long as the act causes a lot of terror and fear to a big group of people, it is considered as terrorism. 

    I think once the mass shootings were labeled as an act of terrorism, heavier sentences will be imposed on the shooters due to the outrage in the community to put pressure on the judges. I believe there will be less sympathy towards the shooter, the shooter could be sexually assaulted and abused growing up and turns into a shooter to revenge on random people. I think none of that would matter and be brought into consideration for a lighter sentence as the shooter is being seen as nothing but a terrorist.

    I don’t think is appropriate to call the mass shooting that is committed by younger white males “white domestic terrorism” as we don’t label Taliban terrorism by their race or ethnicity. I think labeling it as such would cause more white males to commit mass shooting acts because they may see this as “cool” and is something they purpose to do since we give it a label for it. (215 words)


    Edited by Nga Sze Miu on Oct 17 at 10:14pm
  • Hey Nga, I would like to agree with you on the part where you said when the crime is labeled an act of terrorism then yes they should and would be punished by a harsher sentencing, And yes although most mass shootings happen with younger white males i would agree that we should not call it white domestic terrorism because bringing race into it will cause even more problems. -69 words

  • Hi Nga! I agree with you when you say that mass shootings committed by younger white males should not be labeled by their race. It would definitely create more problems than before and make the situation more complicated. Outrage in the community could definitely put pressure on the judges and less sympathy towards the criminal from the jury. 


    word count 58

  • Hi Nga,
    I agree with you, and I have the same opinion as you. This should be treated as terrorism and always happens to white people doing it. But I always wonder why it is possible to use guns so mindlessly and why the US government still has no plan to end these tragic incidents. And there should be an appropriate punishment because so many tragic incidents have happened in the United States related to shootings.

    Count Words: 76 

  • Hi Nga,

    I agree with your opinion. If they are deliberately causing multiple deaths and social panic, even though their experience may have led them to engage in terrorist activities, we should not sympathize with them.  And when labeled "white domestic terrorism," the notion takes hold, potentially affecting more white men to join terror.


  • Hi Nga,

    I agree with you on all three of your points. Mass shootings and mass murders should be considered as acts of terrorism, there will probably be harsher sentences handed out, and I do not think that they should be labeled as "white domestic terrorism". One point you made that stood out to me that I didn't even think of, is that by labeling it as "white domestic terrorism", younger males might be motivated to commit such atrocities just because they might think it "cool", which, considering some of the horrible things I've read about terrible events, is something I wouldn't discredit. 

    Word Count: 105

  • Hi Nga,

    You response was spot on a summed everything up neatly. Terrorism should be a crime because it is harming groups of people and I really liked your heavier punishment explanation too because people have the power to sway the government when they put their attention to it but shouldn't it be labeled "white domestic terrorism" because its repetitive by unconnected young men and has become  pattern? 68


    • Hi Nga, 

      I completely agree with you that we should not label terrorist as white or not. I feel like this can be seen as racist and terrorist should not be labeled by race. Especially since over the past 10 years most of the mass if not a majority of them of mass shootings have been done by white males in the United States. I am glad you agree with me on that. 

      Word Count: 73
  • In my opinion Yes, mass shootings should be seen as an act of terrorism. It should be seen as ac act of terrorisms because you going and shooting a large crowd or even a small crowd of your fellow citizens is not right in any way shape or form. Although we associate the term "terrorism" with the Taliban, and some go as far to associate all middle eastern people with the word terrorism which is terrible. Some people Are just sick  and think that doing bad things make them feel better or will blame hearing a voice or "the devil" or even "god" to justify why they did such a heinous thing. People who do such act of horror because they do not agree with someone view on something like religion or political views should definitely be getting tried in court for an act of terrorism. Anyone who did it for other reason could be tried for an act of terrorism but most likely wont, like school shootings are not considered to be acts of terrorism but as senseless acts of violence. -182 words

    • Response 1 of 1

      I totally agree with you! Shooting a group (even a small group) of people and making them and other citizens live in fear should be considered terrorism and trialed as terrorism with much heavier sentencing. Blaming hearing the devil's voice or saying he is doing god's will definitely isn't an excuse to take lives of innocence. I hope there are better security systems and mental support in schools to avoid any future school shootings (or any shootings of innocent people). (80 words)

  • Greetings everyone!

    In its most basic form, terrorism can be defined as a planned criminal activity committed to creating fear among the population. As far as mass shootings are concerned, they are planned and usually take the lives of many innocent people, including children. Consequently, it creates a sense of insecurity and fear among the general public. From these facts, it is clear that mass shootings meet the criteria for terrorism. In the minds of most Americans, terrorism refers to the acts of Muslim people from the Middle East. Because of the 9/11 terrorist incidents, as well as what mainstream media and Hollywood movies are telling them, they have this impression. Despite this, young white Americans usually commit mass shootings in the US. Anyone can commit terrorism, and the same is true for mass shootings, regardless of ethnicity, political affiliation, or religious beliefs. In my opinion, because most mass shooters are white Americans from the neighborhood, it doesn’t mean that we have to call it “White Domestic Terrorism”; instead, I agree with “Domestic Terrorism” only.

    (Word Count - 173)

  • Hi Besrat, 

    Thanks for your response! I agree that mass shootings can create fear within the general population, but is it the same level/kind of fear that a terrorist attack like 9/11 would cause? I'm not trying to trivialize mass shootings in the slightest, but I don't think that, say, the Sandy Hook school shooting bears as much weight in general U.S. consciousness as 9/11. I think there's a difference between the two because 9/11 is typically viewed as more of a national threat than mass shootings, although I'd argue that both are actually threats to national security in their own way. That’s why I think that mass shootings should not be considered acts of terrorism.

    121 words

    • Hi Besrat, I agree with your statement of this being classified as just "white terrorism", just like you said although the majority of mass shootings nowadays are committed by younger white males, I don't think it's right to just classify it as "white" because anyone has the ability to commit this atrocious act and ethnicity, political affiliation, or religious belief should be left out. -64 words

  • I believe that mass shootings should be labeled as an act of terrorism/domestic terrorism. By definition, terrorism could be defined as an act of violence and aggression committed against normal civilians. When a mass shooting happens, many innocent lives are lost which causes terror among the victims, the victims' families, and people who are viewing the event through the media. People will panic even if they are not directly involved in the incident. If mass murder were to be labeled as an act of terrorism, people would perceive the behavior in a much more serious manner, especially in the U.S. After the 9/11 tragedy, Americans have viewed terrorism as a top national priority to look out for. Prosecution for criminals committed of mass murder would be much harsher and national outrage would be more intense. Additionally, I do not think it's appropriate to label mass shootings committed by younger white males as "white domestic terrorism" since that would put an unnecessary bias on an undeniably tragic event. Racial bias is still very much prevalent in the U.S., and putting a label on whether or not an act of terrorism was committed by a white person creates bias even before the audience even gets a chance to learn about the event and their opinions about a tragic event would be swayed because of their political ideals. 


    word count: 226

  • Hi Sophia! I definitely agree that labeling mass shootings committed by young white males as “white domestic terrorism” would introduce unnecessary racial bias. This would definitely sway the public’s opinion of the crime itself and may mislead the court in their sentencing. Adding additional factors that might cause bias would just complicate the issue further. 

    Word Count: 55

    • Hi Sophia, I agree that labeling mass shootings, done by young white males, as "white domestic terrorism" would create unnecessary racial bias. I believe this would also create paranoia towards white males, not just in the U.S, but in every country as well, allowing the potential to blame them for every crime. For instance, when a white male in poverty tries to steal something, people may immediately perceive that it is due to his “white domestic (terrorist)” characteristics. 

      Word count: 79

  • I believe that mass murders and shootings should be labeled as acts of terrorism/domestic terrorism. In my own terms, terrorism is any act of violence against a large mass of civilians motivated by a personal belief. Hence, mass murders and shootings fit the definition as it is an act of cruel violence against a group of innocent people that also instills fear into the general public. Labels can have a strong influence on people’s perceptions. When mass murderers and shooters are labeled as “mentally ill”, the public (and sometimes the court) shifts the responsibility of their crime to their mental illness instead of taking into account other factors, which can result in lighter sentencing. While past acts of terrorism are seen as a national threat to the country. The government prioritizes the protection and safety of civilians, while the animosity towards the criminals creates a sense of unity amongst the public. The same actions should be taken for mass murders and shootings. Thus, labeling mass murders and shootings as acts of terrorism will make it a more serious issue. I also don’t believe we should label mass shootings committed by younger white males as ”white domestic terrorism” because bringing the topic of race into this subject would lead to division and racial bias. An act of terrorism is still an act of terrorism regardless of a person’s race. In the end, innocent lives are unjustly taken and those who’ve committed the crimes need to be held responsible for it. 

    Word Count: 250

    • Hi Trang,

      Your take on this topic is very well-thought. I didn't really consider the mental aspect of prosecutions, which is sad considering many things. First of all, people that know what they're doing can be given a lighter sentence with a given excuse. Also, those that are actually mentally ill cannot get the help they need because of how our society works, prompting them into wanting to commit these mass shootings and hurt other people. I can't say I blame mental illness though, because I will put all the fault on our gun laws. Many Americans will say our gun laws are too strict, but I don't think they're strict enough. Either way, when people commit these mass shootings, they know what they want to do and I believe they deserve to be called "terrorists". Race or age shouldn't matter in any way. If their acts follow the criteria to be called domestic terrorism, it is simply that, nothing more. 


      WORD COUNT: 162

  • In my opinion, mass shootings should be considered as an act of terrorism/ domestic terrorism since it is an act of violence that results in the the deaths of many people. It causes a lot of fear and panic which makes people afraid to do their normal activities such as going to the grocery store or taking public transportation. It's not okay for people to live in fear and having to hope that their children can survive a day in school. Labeling it as an act of terrorism would lead to harsher punishment and hopefully better laws to prevent mass shootings. Although mass shootings are mostly committed by younger while males, I don't think it should be labeled as white domestic terrorism. It causes racial bias which can lead to a lighter punishment. People that commit acts of terrorism should be held accountable for their actions regardless of their race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, etc. 


    word count: 154 

  • Hey Tammy! 

    I totally agree with what you are saying and it is sad the world we live in where we fear to go to school, or to get groceries, or to take the bus. It shouldn't be that way and there was a time where we could do those things without the fear that something bad can happen and entilling in our children that there is evil out there and what to do when an intruder comes to school or if something were to happen on the bus and its sad that the next generations this fear is going to be normal unless we do something. 


    Word Count : 107

  • Hi Tammy! 
    I really like how you touch on the problems these crimes bring to our everyday lives, how they strike fear into us for doing such ordinary tasks such as going to the grocery store. I like how you acknowledge shootings as predominantly being done by white males, but how labeling it could lead to worse problems like racial bias.

    Word count: 61

  • Hi Tammy, I agree with what you said.  We Americans think and fear of this violence everyday.  It is so scary to think about.  We hear the stories of these attacks on the news a lot in schools, malls, grocery stores, and anywhere where there is a large group of people.  (51 words)

    • Hi Tammy, I totally agree with you. A mass shooting should be considered terrorism/domestic terrorism. They randomly take someone's life. It affects more than just the victims and their families. People who watch the news are also concerned that they will be the next victim. It has an impact on the entire society. Hopefully, labeling it as terrorism will result in harsher punishment. The number of mass shootings may decrease.

      Word count:71

  • I believe that mass murder and or mass shootings should be labeled as an act of terrorism / domestic terrorism because all of these shootings occur during a time of peace or in a peaceful environment where all of the victims did nothing wrong but go about their everyday lives.  For instance school shootings such as Sandy Hook, Ulavade, and Columbine they all happened at elementary schools or a high school setting. Those children did not go to school that day to die and to watch their friends be killed as they feared for their lives. That's why I strongly believe that mass murder and shootings should be deemed as a terrorist attack. When these mass killings have the "label" as a terrorist attack, I feel like the victims families and the schools in which these shootings happened already see it that way, as a terrorist attack. I think this "label" will also determine consequences for the shooter and allows the justice system a more clear point of view of how to handle these situations. ( We really need a better grasp as to how we handle the situations because they keep happening). I don't think it is fair to consider these attacks as "white domestic terrorism" because any individual is capable of committing this crime white or not. 

    Word Count : 217

  • Hi Zoey,
    I  agree with your idea of labeling mass shootings as an act of terrorism. I also believe that if labeled as a Domestic Terror Act, the punishment can be more serious, which may lead to a decrease in the incident from happening. In addition, I don't support the idea of calling it White Terror because anyone can do it, even if the majority of those involved in this act are young whites.

    (Words - 74)

    • Hey guys, I can agree with the both of you as it shouldn't be labeled to a specific race but to anyone causing violence and harm to innocent people as you used in your example with Columbine high school. A lot of people may joke around about it but when it came down to events as 9/11 everyone didn't take it as a joke but school shootings were passed on nothing compared to 9/11,  

  • In my opinion, mass shootings should be considered acts of terrorism. Mass shootings implicate the use of guns for violence and terror, meaning that any form of shooting (no matter how big or small) should be considered an act of terrorism. The way we treat mass shootings in America, however, makes it seem like just a small crime. As an American society, we are so used to seeing shootings around us that we really only talk about its effects for a small amount of time, and then casually move on. Whenever a mass shooting occurs, it usually requires the response of local police forces and sometimes even higher-level forces such as the FBI. However, the prosecution itself usually requires the statement of just "mass murder" and is never formally stated as an act of terrorism unless another race is involved. So to answer the question, yes, I do think it is appropriate to call it "white domestic terrorism". Whenever a shooting involves a white male, it usually makes headlines as ANOTHER mass shooting by ANOTHER white person, so it is stereotypical to the American eye. However, if a Muslim person, for example, were to do the same thing, it would be considered terrorism. After the 9/11 terrorist act, the way people looked at terrorism became way different, so although America is trying harder to stop terrorism, it creates stereotypes which are unfair. 


    WORD COUNT: 232

    • Hi Ethan, 

      I agree with your post! It is so sad that mass shootings have became something that is common nowadays. It frustrates me that it seems like white supremacists are never held accountable and the treatment is so different when a person from a different race is involved. I think there's also a high probablity that even if mass shootings were labeled as acts of terrorism, people would still get away with it and the cycle of systemic racism continues. 

      (81 words)

  • I think only certain mass murder cases can be labeled as domestic terrorism. I believe that terrorism is the act of harming civilians for political gain. While the goal of mass murders is to harm a lot of people at once, some may not be for political reasons. Many school shootings are caused by mentally disordered teenagers. This should not count as an act of terrorism. 

    Labeling all mass shootings as terrorism would increase society’s paranoia, making prosecutions more severe. It can be unfair to mentally disordered mass shooters. Perceiving them as terrorists would damage the already broken image of themselves that they may start to align themselves with ‘terrorist’ characteristics. The perception that all mass murder cases are political may arise. Therefore, there would be a continuous cycle of paranoia and deteriorating self-perception, where people may disregard the real causes of mass murder and the suitable treatment for the mentally ill.

    Labeling all mass shootings in the U.S. “white domestic terrorism” is not appropriate. Labels really affect how a person sees themselves and their place in society. Therefore, if we were to call it “white domestic terrorism”, it may be very harmful to every white male in the country - how they act toward themselves and consequently, how people react to them.

    Word count: 213

    • Hi Maureen,

      I like your take on that only certain murder cases should be domestic terrorism as the difference between mass shooters and terrorists does exist. Terrorists commit crimes with a political purpose in mind and a goal while there are some cases where shootings may just come from a person who is mentally ill.

      55 words

  • I think that mass murder is an element of terrorism, but mass murder itself does not fit under the label of terrorism (even domestic terrorism). Terrorism, in my mind, involves mass violence against citizens, but it also has a political motive. I typically think of terrorism as being perpetrated by groups or individuals bound by a similar political belief. Most mass shootings I’ve heard about involve an individual. Therefore, I do not consider mass shootings to be acts of terrorism. However, terrorism and mass shootings are often both systematic, premeditated, and panic-inducing, so I can see why someone might label a mass shooting as an act of terrorism. 

    However, there is a certain benefit to labeling mass shootings as terrorism. Right now, it seems like people are upset by mass shootings, but they consider these acts localized in the place they occurred. With 9/11 though, it seems like people across the country felt attacked, even if they were nowhere near the twin towers. In that way, labeling mass shootings as acts of terrorism raises those crimes to a societal level—It could make people feel as though that mass shooting that happened in Uvalde, Texas is an attack against the United States as a whole. This could unify people and mobilize them to invest in preventing mass shootings (much like airport security changed after 9/11). 

    If we were to label mass murder as domestic terrorism, I do not think it is appropriate to call it “white domestic terrorism.” This is a stereotype, a bad generalization, that could lead young white males down the path of violence. Attaching any kind of demographic characteristic, whether describing race, gender, social class, etc., unfairly corners a segment of the population.


    287 words

  • Hi Amanda, 

    I agree that calling it "white domestic terrorism" creates a stereotype that generalizes terrorism to be excluded from white people. It should not be attached to demographic characteristics. I understand your points about how terrorism is considered to be political, mass murder with political intentions would be considered terrorism by that definition. 

    Word count: 56

    • Hey Amanda,


      I agree with your stance that not all mass shootings are acts of terrorism. While there have been some shootings that have come with racial intentions and goals, not all of these shootings fall under this category of terrorism. You make a very good point separating blind violence and chaos with calculated societal violence. Also good points on the pointlessness of racially categorizing terrorism. 


      66 words

  • In my opinion, I think mass shooting can be an act of terrorism because of the level of violence brought to a major population of people. In today's world we see a lot of mass shootings happening all over the world and it's sad how often these occur. Any mass shooting is done with the intent to harm others and take many lives, anything that is done with the intent to harm others should have more light on the event. A majority of people may have the word "terrorism" shined and forwarded to the Taliban but it should be looked at the harming of innocent people that were attacked. Thinking a lot of the subject most people link one massive event and think that is the only title for terrorism. After 9/11 most people label the word terrorism as that is all that an fit the word when it can be to anyone causing violence to a big group or somewhere out in the public 

    (word count 168)

    • Hi Nicholas, 

      I totally agree with your post. I think it is unfair and not logical that people only associate 9/11 or the Taliban with terrorism, when mass shootings that are happening today are also bringing violence to a major population of people. It is also sad how easily mass shooters can get away with their actions, but if it was a foreign mass shooter or terrorist it would be a different story and the government will not show any mercy to them. 

      (83 words)


  • According to the definition, mass murder should be considered an act of terrorism because it is violence with the intention to intimidate civilians. Labeling it this way creates a heavy overtone attached to the act. Many people associate the word terrorism with race, specifically middle eastern people. This is because of past tragedies and also media making people subconsciously form this definition. Terrorism is not associated with race and can be committed by anyone. Mass shootings committed by white males should not be called white domestic terrorism. If a non-white person committed the same act it would be just be considered terrorism. There is no reason to put "white" in front of it. By doing so, it is trying to make the act seem just a little bit more excused. It also implies that "normal" terrorism is not committed by a white person.  Mass murder and terrorism are both subject to life sentences and changing the name should not change the sentence. 

    word count: 162

    Edited by Christine Hoy on Oct 31 at 1:09pm
  • Hi Christine! 

    I agree that media has associated terrorism with middle eastern people when in reality it can be committed by anyone. I also agree that it shouldn't be considered white domestic terrorism as it does seem like an excuse. I didn't realize that terrorism by a non-white person would imply a different kind of terrorism when they are all the same, so thanks for pointing that out! 


    word count: 68

    • Hello Christine, I definitely agree with your stance on how the racial context of terrorism needs to be dropped entirely as it is irrelevant to the discussion on the topic. I agree with your stance that terrorism is terrorism regardless of the race of the individual. However, I do believe that not all mass shooters are terrorists as the intimidation they cause is not always in the pursuit of a goal or message. They don't further any message with their fear besides fear.


      83 Words

  • I believe that mass shootings do not fall under the category of terrorism. To my understanding, terrorism is an act of violence to insight terror in the pursuits of a political goal or objective. While some mass shootings might be in the attempts to further a goal or message, whether this be racial, political or religious; Often times I've seen mass shooters as aggravated, and ostracized individuals lashing out at their communities for the sake of fame and revenge. There have been other mass shootings with no real message or intent, other than the mass killing of individuals and the maximum destruction possible. One example of which being the Las Vegas shooter. Terrorism is not the simple act of creating fear, but rather the creation of fear to further a goal. Without this goal and intent in mind, these shooters are not terrorists but rather deeply deranged and disturbed individuals who the system has failed to help. Due to this, it is inappropriate to categorize these individuals by race and the term "white domestic terrorism" should really be dropped. The term does nothing more but further ostracize further individuals and it does nothing to help the issue.


    199 Words

    Edited by Brian Ta on Oct 31 at 3:17pm
    • Hi Brian, I really love how you describe intent in your post. It was something that I definitely thought about in my post but didn't go as much into detail. I feel like you pretty much said exactly how I was thinking in a succinct way. Its hard to say whether or not there is a true further goal with things like the Las Vegas shooting. As you could speculate that there is some kind of statement trying to be made however, its not really political or clear enough to label as terrorism in most cases. 

      96 Words

  • Yes, I believe that mass murder and mass shootings should be labeled as terrorism. I think terrorism is an extensive term that describes the intimidating and illegal use of violence against the general population--which also describes mass shootings. Other similarities that I see mass shootings and domestic terrorism are the desire and intention to change the status quo, target civilians, and to spread fear. I think if "mass shootings" are labeled as domestic terrorism, I can see how the crime would be prosecuted more fairly. I don't think terrorism should only be limited to acts of violence carried out by ISIS or Al-Qaeda, and I think it is appropriate to call it "white domestic racism" because that is exactly what is happening right now. It is not normal that a large domestic terrorist acts are commited by white supremacists that use racism to express their frustrations with the world. They need to be held accountable and be prosecuted properly in order to ensure justice for all. With a heavier sentence for the shooter, regardless of their mental health conditions, I think mass shooting can be reduced. (187 words)

  • I feel that mass shootings are an act of “domestic terrorism”. It’s normally happens with our own people, not people from like out of the country. It’s pretty sad to think about actually seeing people kill our own. For just “terrorism” I believe that it would involve people that aren’t with our country. Labeling it as “domestic terrorism” is correct in my eyes because it’s normally the people we see and live with that causes this issue which we should definitely try and put a stop to. 

     I believe that it is appropriate that the label “white domestic terrorism” makes scene since it is mostly young white men that committed mass shootings. Most of the times if you look back at the school shootings especially, are all young white men. There have been a lot more recently as well. Hopefully we can find a solution soon to resolve this sad issue. 

    Word count 151

  • Hi Jennifer,

    With all respect, I disagree with you on using the term "white domestic terrorism" for it limits the act to a specific group and we may forget that every body is capable of doing a crime but not everyone is a criminal. In my opinion, it is better to have the data in mind when doing an investigation about a terroristic act but don't neglect other possibilities. (69 words)

  • I agree with everything you said and its sad to see the world we live in, where people are fueled by jealousy, greed, or hatred; when in all reality we as humans are all trying to be successful and leave the world in a better place than we found it. I pray that we can resolve this issue.
    • Hi Jennifer,

      I agree with you because in the past I have read articles showing the percentage of race connected to mass shooting. We do need a better system to deal with mass shootings especially that the last incident involved kids. Many innocent lives have been taking in the past year due to these incidents. 


      WC : 55

  • To me, shooting should be viewed as domestic terrorism because just because you disagree with someone doesn't give you the right to take the lives of others. And as everyone knows, the US legalizes guns, and anyone can own them (at least, it has become stricter after many tragic incidents).8
     I view shootings as terrorism, and the people who caused that incident were sick murderers with abnormal minds. because these events always occur in schools where only underage children have had to give up their future for a single reason: one's impulsive thinking and the inattentiveness of those around them. I don't care if they have psychological problems or how they should be pardoned. Intentional murder is already a crime, and the law should be stricter about these cases, especially minors, and there should be an appropriate punishment.
    Calling this incident "white-water terrorism" is fitting because most of them are White -  American kids and tend to be taught that it's normal to use a gun, so it's okay to fire a weapon in their consciousness. They think that moment, they are just venting their anger without "intentionally" targeting anyone. But not only white children but also other races can do such horrible things if they are not cared for and are severely affected psychologically. Still, it is a big mistake of the US government to incorrect legislation for the use of guns since there have been many tragic incidents.

    Count Words: 240


    Edited by Thuy Ngoc Nguyen on Oct 31 at 11:34pm
  • When originally looking at this question I feel like I needed to really go back and understand what terrorism really means or encapsulates. This made me feel like there is a distinct difference between domestic terrorism and terrorism. That difference mainly lying in motive as terrorism is specific to having political aims. In this sense I feel like most mass shootings that we would think of wouldn't be labeled as terrorism unless there was a political agenda behind the motive. However, domestic terrorism seems to have a different definition that encapsulates the kinds of mass shootings that happen within the country against it's own citizens. I feel like then this encapsulates a lot more of the events that come to mind when one thinks of mass shootings. This meaning that it can be called terrorism but specifically the domestic kind is what I feel like it is most of the time. Then when coming to the question about calling it white domestic terrorism can be dangerous. I feel like labeling specific events as white domestic terrorism as a descriptor is ok but its dangerous to start lumping race next to a buzz word like terrorism. Which is why I feel like these kinds of events shouldn't be grouped like this. 

    210 Words

    • Hi Zachary, I totally agree with your statements. I think that adding the word "domestic" before terrorism carries a different meaning. Having mass shootings labeled as "domestic" terrorism might cause the prosecution to be a little more serious. I also agree that adding a racial identity can be problematic and controversial. 

      Word Count: 51

  • I believe that mass shootings can be labeled as an act of terrorism/domestic terrorism. I see terrorism as any act of violence with the intent to harm people for some purpose. Terrorist would kill for a purpose like religion, politics, social, and racial reasons. Not every mass shooting is seen as terrorism just because there was no specific reason in the shooter killing. In this case, their motives are personal and selfish like they were angry or sad. I think that mass shooting should be held to a serious degree in prosecution like terrorism is. The label of terrorism makes the treatment and prosecution more severe. I don't think that it is appropriate to call these mass shootings that are often from white young males "white domestic terrorism" just because it puts a racial label on the offense. Terrorism has been seen to be focused on people of color (not rightfully so) and the sentence for white people who commit these serious offenses is not severe enough in my opinion. It is necessary, to hold these people who shoot masses of people accountable for their actions. 

    Word Count: 187

    Edited by Natalie Loeber on Nov 1 at 10:46am
    • Hello Natalie,


      One thing that stuck out to me in your response was that white people should receive harsher punishments for there acts of violence. I was curious if you thought that court rulings should go by the basis of race. It does make me think of how lesser sentences have been given to white individuals over colored people who committed the same crimes.

      word count:64

  • There are two sides to this coin; it's either mass shootings are undoubtedly an act of terrorism, or that these mass shootings have more behind them and could be considered a "mental illness". Up until recently I was a strong believer that these acts were undoubtedly terrorism, but the frequency of the matter and varying subjects carrying out the act lead me to believe otherwise. I am a strong believer in the matter that people are not born with hate in them it is adopted/taught over time and could cause such a violent act to be even imaginable in their minds. Saying that mass shootings are "white domestic terrorism" is false because the crime is never thought out to that extreme and is necessarily motivated by race or racial supremacy, this is not to say that some shootings are undoubtedly racially motivated. For the most part though I see these shootings as being carried out by mere children who were maybe dealt a bad hand in life and don't know what to do anymore, so they get pushed to this steep slope of self destruction and hate to everyone who is surrounding them. As a country we should be looking for a way to stop these acts with reforms to gun laws and most importantly a deeper dive into the importance of mental health.

    Word count: 225

  • Hi Edi, I do agree with you in the fact that mass shootings are sort of a nature/nurture problem in that people are not inherently born to cause actions. With the rise of radicalization due to the internet and the anonymity it grants, I feel as if it has become easier to cause these shootings due to the environment people find themselves in. I also agree that race has nothing to do with the shootings. It is wrong to assume that a certain race is more likely to cause mass shootings due to who they were and not how they grew up.


    Word Count: 103

    • Hi Edi,

      I agree with you that there are always two sides to why act of terrorism happens, and the main reason is related to mental health issues. But also because the government should be more strict about gun control, maybe we could prevent those unfortunate events.

      Thank you for sharing,


      Word counts: 52 words

  • I think that mass murder (mass shootings) should be labeled as an act of terrorism/ domestic terrorism because shooting an innocent group of people is a wrong form of action.  I think all of the mass shootings in malls and schools all around the United States are so wrong and not civil. The way that mass shootings may change the way that people perceive the behavior is that people in America are scared. Mass shootings can frighten and traumatize people who are doing their everyday task.  There have been too many mass shooters targeting elementary schools and causing young children's lives.  A big mass murder that happened in New York was the 9/11 attack.  People were just going to work like a regular day but many families lost their family members.  It’s really sad to think of since I was not alive, but all of the people who saw this attack are afraid if it were to happen again.  I don't think its appropriate to call this “white domestic terrorism” because anyone can cause a mass murder.  (178 words)

  • Mass shootings should absolutely be labeled as acts of terrorism. It is a form of domestic terrorism that has the same effect as foreign terrorism. It causes undue strife and panic amongst the public and heavily disrupts society. By labeling mass shootings as a form of terrorism, it should be hoped that people who commit these atrocities get harsher crimes and be persecuted as such. As it currently stands, mass shootings have, of late, become an accepted part of the American reality which is by all means unacceptable. By stigmatizing these events, mass shootings would become a necessary issue to solve instead of being pushed aside like all these years.


    Mass shootings, however, should not be labeled as white domestic terrorism. By adding a race label, the issue now becomes about race instead of the shooting. It causes unnecessary backlash which does not serve to solve the problem, but make it more unfeasible to even talk about.   


    Word Count: 157

    • Greetings James!

      It brings frustration that mass shootings are seen as an American issue. We as a country/society have put in the minimal amount of effort to limit mass shooting as a whole rather than proactively creating legislation that may hinder individuals who do not need weapons. I truly believe it is time that we put our foots down and act now.


      Word Count: 63

  • In my opinion, mass murder (mass shooting) should be labeled as an act of terrorism or domestic terrorism. Cause the shooter had planned this unfortunate event, some of them think that this is their way of bringing "justice" to society. And innocent people, including children and the elderly, had to pay for their life for the action they call "justice."

    In the U.S., most mass shootings are committed by younger white males, and I think it's not appropriate to call this "white domestic terrorism."  Because not all the shooters are white, if we called it "white domestic terrorism," it would be considered a racist act and could lead to more unstrategic events in the future. Therefore I think we should only call it "domestic terrorism" to avoid labeling people's race. Although those who committed the mass shooting should be considered terrorist acts regardless of who and where they are from. 


    Word count: 150 words

  • I think mass murder can be labelled as an act of terrorism, terrorism is the deliberate attack of non-combatants for its own purposes, an act of violence intended to create panic, mass shootings will undoubtedly result in the loss of a large number of innocent people, And there will be panic in society because everyone will be at risk of dying, so I think mass murder can be labeled an act of terrorism. When it is marked as terrorism, the gunman will be sentenced more severely, especially if he deliberately organizes panic activities, people will have less sympathy for them, and even hope that they will not be released to harm society, I think mass shootings are supposed to be planned, so mental illness can not be used as an excuse to escape sanctions. I do not think "white domestic terrorism" is properly described, it is very racist, it is a bad stereotype, and it probably affects a lot of white men.


  • Definitely, mass shooting is an act of terrorism since the definition of a terroristic act is "using force or violence against people to intimidate them". 

    A mass shooter's intention could be causing dread, getting revenge or showing loyalty to an ideology. Besides from their purpose, their act cause a huge damage on the intended group, from losing lives to bearing an intense anxiety, which affected people will carry with themselves all life long. 

    By labeling the mass shooting as an act of terrorism, the consequences would be greater for the person who committed that. There could be a death penalty on the table in some states and countries. There could be less sympathy towards the convict and his or her mental or environmental situation. It can also affect the family of that person so badly since people will label them as "the terrorist family".

    I don't think it is appropriate to use the term "white domestic terrorism" since it restricts the act to a special group which is not true. Generally, we should not label a specific religion or skin color or ethnicity as terrorists. We know that most of the times when people hear news about a terroristic act, they would think of a bearded muslim guy even though the data say most mass shooters are white guys. If we limit the term or emphasis it more on a specific group, we may neglect the danger from other possible sources or be less strict with other convicts.  (248 words)

  • Terrorism can be defined as the unlawful use of violence or intimidation against anyone, and when I think of the word terrorism although many people tie it to the Taliban or those from the middle east because of 9/11, I do think any act especially the act of mass murder or shooting should be classified as terrorism and domestic terrorism. Mass shootings are planned attacks by someone so whether they are mentally ill, or just feel the right to take innocent lives by definition this should be classified as terrorism, but just likes it's unfair to tie the people of Muslim descent to the word terrorist, even though the majority of mass shooters are younger white males I don't think it should be classified as white domestic terrorism because anyone had the ability to commit something of this manner. On the other hand, I absolutely think that mass shootings should be classified by domestic terrorism and not covered by any other name. -163 words



  • I believe that mass shootings should be considered an act of terrorism. I think that terrorism is acting against citizens while creating mass fear using violence and destruction. I believe that mass murder or violence would fall into this territory because of the amount of disruption by fear they cause when acting. I guess the only real difference between mass shootings and terrorists such as Osama Bin Laden is that they are on a larger scale while trying to show a message. The label may change the way domestic terrorism is perceived as it is a much heavier word. When categorizing them into the same box mass shootings will be prosecuted and treated harsher with worse punishments. I don't see it as appropriate to call it white domestic terrorism as this is bringing race in unnecessarily. Something such as domestic violence is already good enough to explain it. Race shouldn't have anything to do with this and it is just unnecessary.


    Words: 161

    • Hi William, 

      I agree with you, throwing a label such as "white domestic terrorism" is inappropriate. I believe it will only offend white males and may lead to repercussions. I also agree that harsher punishment will be an outcome. I do think that it is necessary to have greater punishment for heinous acts such as these. 

      (Word Count: 59)

  • I believe that some mass shootings could be labeled as an act of terrorism. If I remember correctly an act of terrorism is supposed to try and cause terror and usually have something to do with politics or religion. I believe that some mass shootings can be labels as an act of terrorism regardless if it has to do with politics or religion as long as they have a “goal” they are trying to achieve from the shooting. On the other hand I feel like some mass shootings are caused by someone who has other mental health problems going on causing them to start a mass shooting. Of course both sides are equally as wrong and devastating, but I don’t think it would help the problem by labeling ALL mass shootings as an act of terrorism. I feel if you start to label the shootings where the shooter had a specific goal then the prosecution could and should be more severe and hopefully reduce the likelihood of them happening in our own country. I also do believe that calling them “white domestic terrorism” could possibly help people understand the severity of the threat.

    (193 words)

  • I believe that murder should be referred to as an act of terrorism because if convicted suspect isn’t caught then the suspect can change their motive and continue to kill since there is no one to stop them from continuing to do so. I truly believe that these should be labeled as act of terrorisms because of the hit being placed on innocent people that don’t have no business in being executed. I feel as if as a society if we were to label the killers as terrorists it may chance there philosophy or decision to execute a bad crime, at the end of the day they are human and don’t want to have a bad name over there head where it’ll dwell and eventually lead them to feel pity for there actions. I do believe shootings are caused by younger males based on the events that have transpired since I grew up. You always hear the description of the subject and its always the white males. I’d say you can call it white domestic terrorism because its the truth. 

    WC: 180
  • I believe that mass shootings should be considered an act of terrorism / domestic terrorism. I would consider this an act of terrorism because it is targeting a group of people whether it is large or small. I have to admit when I think of the word terrorism, my mind automatically thinks about Taliban or Islam. I know a few people who have described terrorism to be by people from the Middle East, which at that point is just absurd and shows how misinformed individuals can be. I believe the crime should be held to a more intense sentencing. I feel like most shootings are "swept under the rug" in a sense and people try to make sense of it in a way saying, they are sick. Sure, they may very well have mental issues but murder is murder and under no circumstance should someone get a slap on the wrist for these outrageous acts. I do not believe that we should label this as "white domestic terrorism" because it is not strictly white males who act on these impulses. I also think throwing such a label would infuriate or offend more people and that is not the objective. 

    (Word Count: 201)

    Edited by Liyah Gonzales on Nov 1 at 8:09pm
  • Hello Liyah! I agree that most shootings that go on are swept under the rug and often we don't hear them being talked about unless people that went through it start posting about it on social media to get the attention that the news, President, and Law enforcement should already be highlighting as well as looking into. However, I disagree that we shouldn't label it "white domestic terrorism " because it could "upset people", there is a numerous amount of incidents where people of color who commit crimes, are framed for a crime, and even murdered over misunderstandings or straight racism, are all described in great detail and accused of abusing drugs or alcohol.  Why should the white person's feelings be considered when 1. they committed terrorism and 2. people try to make it seem like the crime committed shouldn't have harsh consequences because they are "mentally ill" causing their charges, time in jail, or probation to a lot less than what they deserve and a lot less than what a person of color would get. 

    • Hi Liyah, I really appreciate your point of view and I think you made some really great and valid points! By labeling these acts as “white domestic terrorism it very well might infuriate more people and could potentially cause them to rebel. I also agree that so many people are Misinformed about terrorism and personally feel like there should be more education on the topics and have more emphasis on the severity of these crimes and teach upcoming generations to do better.
       (82 words)
  • In my opinion, mass murder should be classified as an act of terrorism/domestic terrorism. Terrorism is defined as acts of violence and aggression against ordinary civilians. In mass shootings, many innocent lives are lost, causing panic among victims, their families, and those who witnessed the events through the media. It discourages people from going about their daily lives because they are afraid of becoming the next victim. If they are labeled as terrorists, they may face harsher punishment and legal consequences. Also, I believe people will take it more seriously if it is labeled as terrorism. They may face harsher punishment, which should reduce the number of mass murders. I do not believe it is appropriate to refer to mass shootings committed by younger white males as "white domestic terrorism." It is racial prejudice. It makes no difference what their race, ethnicity, or religious beliefs are. People who commit terrorist acts should face the same punishment. They all take random people's lives.

    word count:163

    • Hi Yuki , 


      I agree with your point of view mass shooting is happening in the United States everywhere because of shooting incident unbelievable damage, extreme distress or sorrow for the family. Because of shooting incident lately I felt insecure to go to any festival or events. I strongly agree that people who commit crime should deserve heavy penalty.


  •                     In my point of view, shootings are an act of terrorism /domestic terrorism. A mass shooting is when four or more persons are shot or killed, excluding the shooter. Mass shooting are commonly occurred in the United States. According to the NPR news “Halfway through year, America has already seen at least 309 mass shooting”, which is triggered by racist attack, some are associated with mental illness, some incidents are stigma from childhood bullies act of revenge that caused mass shooting in the school. Any form of shooting either big group or small group are mass of murder can define act terrorism. In my opinion it is appropriate to call "white domestic terrorism" because majority of cases happened in the white people community. Depends on the severity the incident the jury's decision to recommend life in prison and not the death penalty, some cases are sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole some are facing death penalty. (160words)

    Edited by Phyu Phyu Thant on Nov 1 at 11:14pm
  • Mass murder should definitely be labeled as an act of terrorism/ domestic terrorism. They should be labeled as such because these things do not just happen, there is time, thought, a plan, and tools needed to execute something this severe. Putting a label on such a terrible act would change the way people perceive this behavior because they might be able to see how this was not just an “accident” or something that happens because they happen to have a mental illness. Yes, mental illness could be a factor, but it is not always the case. Most of the shootings that I hear about and that are all over the news always somehow end up with a white guy who got “bullied” or who is “going through a tough time”. 

    Calling it “White domestic terrorism” after it is proven that the shooter was white should be appropriate. In many scenarios, it is made clear when a person of color commits a crime, but many news channels or articles will not even mention that the shooter was white. 

    word count: 177

    • Hello Maria!

      You've made a good point at how often news articles or outlets will focus on the color of someone's skin when committing a crime if it is anything but white, but many times we do not see headliners focusing on how it was a white shooter involved in an incident. It is so frequent that we see labels only to someones appearance when it is a person of color, but then only see "student" or "athlete" as a descriptor for anyone committing a crime who is white.

      (89 words)

  • I personally do believe that mass shootings are acts of terrorism. In the word terrorism is terror, which is to instill fear in, not only the people caught in the act, but also to those witnessing. Whenever someone commits a mass shooting, I believe it is to spark fear in the people who will find out about the horrors done. Just as 9/11 was an act to carry out fear across the entire country, mass shootings can have the same effect. Though mass shootings are carried out mostly by white people, I do not believe that it should be labeled “white domestic terrorism.” The reason is, I don’t believe race needs to be involved in regards to acts of violence. Even if you consider the fact that most acts of terror in this country have had racial motivations, it would only add fuel to the fire to continue to label them under a race.

    word count: 154

  • Hi Sagar,

    I agree with your idea about mass shooting are a type of terrorism. I also agree with your idea about we should not label mass shooting as “white domestic terrorism" because any race of the people will shoot people if they wanted. Just like all other types of crime like burglary and theft.


    Word Count: 55

    • Hey Sagar, thank you for your response. Just like you said I also agree that mass shootings are a type of terrorism but just like you I wouldn't label it as white domestic terrorism. I like you pointed out that race doesn't need to be involved in these acts of violence, when race gets involved the entire situation gets even more complicated. 

      word count: 62

  • In my onion yes I believe that mass murder/mass shootings are labeled as an act of terrorism/ domestic terrorism. In my own definition mass shooting is an act of shooting innocent civilians in groups. The violence makes crowds scared and everyone will panic. Many innocent lives are taken when there is a form of mass shootings. Now a days we have a lot of mass shootings going on. Which is really sad. The recent incident was when there was a young boy going to an elementary school and shooting at innocent students and teachers. now imagine the trauma the kids are going to go through. The word needs are better way of handling the situation due too many people dying. I would say yes it is appropriate to call this "white domestic terrorism". The reason for that is because it happens in the U.S often and is performed by a white male. We live in a country that doesn't have strict gun laws. Which makes it accessible to guns. 


    WC :170

  • In my opinion, mass shootings should be labeled as acts of terrorism/domestic terrorism due to the fact that they are typically meant to cause death and mass panic within the society/social group targeted. If mass shootings were labeled as domestic terrorism, it would bring a sense of reality that it has become such a widespread issue that may happen to anyone/anywhere including at one’s own front door/neighborhood. I believe the label change would also bring forth a sense of action and urgency that would enable the masses/congress to get behind stricter gun laws that may help lower mass shootings. Labeling it would also bring forth harsher punishments to the individual committing the crime. Considering that most mass shootings are committed by younger white males, I don’t think it is appropriate to call the act “white domestic terrorism” since anyone from any race may commit the crime. It would also bring a negative connotation towards young white males and would do nothing more than create more of a divide between races. 


    Word Count: 175

  • In my opinion, mass murder or mass shooting should be labeled as a terrorism. First of all mass murder can cause many innocent people death. Criminal who did mass shooting don't care your gender or race sometimes. People will afraid and daily actually activities would be affected like school, working, dinning. They will not go out as they are all afraid of being shot. In addiction, I think mass murder or mass shooting should be labeled as a terrorism because it happens in a neighborhood and or even at different street or a shopping mall.  I don't think people call mass shooting as "white domestic terrorism" because we should label all the race of people as a criminal. Also, it is not appropriate as if we call it "white domestic terrorism", which mean you have bias to a race of people. Every race or gender of people can commit crime. 


    word count: 153

    • Hi Julian!

       I agree to your last statement for not labeling it as white domestic terrorism. I thought that terrorism could be applied by all races and labeling it specifically “white” would not be beneficial to society. It hurts use even more. we would learn to not come together and heal when needed. Instead, we might be against each other considering the fact that if we label shootings as “white domestic terrorism”, there will be people who might think it’s okay to apply this to every race.

      Word count: 85

  • I personally feel like mass murder should be labeled as an act of terrorism. The first part of terrorism that comes to mind is there being more than one person involved, those people being threatened/hurt which is exactly what happens in a mass murder. The only part where I pull back or am a bit reluctant when it comes to labeling mass murder as an act of terrorism, is when I think about terrorism having something to do with politics, where as I don't associate mass murder with politics typically. People might change the label and perceive it to be at a higher regard than it is currently held. Although mass murders are terrible and surprisingly are not treated as high as regard as terrorism is, it definitely should. For that reason, I believe that it should be labeled as an act of terrorism. I believe it is appropriate to label it as "white domestic terrorism", it seems like a more fitting term than just calling it an act of terrorism. That is, if it happens from a white person, as was mentioned, that most of these mass murders occur from young white males. It's fitting to label it as "white domestic terrorism" because it is terrorism, in which people are threatened and hurt, in where they are literally being terrorized.

    word count: 222

  • I mainly agree with your views on the labeling of mass murder. I find it really intriguing how you discussed politics in your response, because I never considered that a factor while writing our response. However as I read your answer, I began to think about it more and I find myself agreeing with you on that end. Terrorism does have a lot to do with politics, which we can see in examples of the Taliban and the 911 attack, and mass shootings is more of an individual act of aggression. In response to the second part of your answer, I can see and understand your reasoning, but I wrote a differing opinion, saying that we shouldn't label it "white domestic terrorism," because if we do, we would have to label all other ethnic groups and their domestic violence acts, which I don't see as very plausible. (Word Count: 147)

    • Hi Jaspreet I agree with you that terrorism is when more than one person is involved and it should be labeled as such. I can see your perspect on using white terrorism as a label and I will keep that into consideration. I didn't think about it in this way that's why I thought we shouldn't use that label. 59 words 

  • I do believe that mass murder and mass shootings should be labeled as an act of terrorism/domestic terrorism. The reason for this is because, when I think of terrorism, I think of things that cause a great amount of terror, fear, and panic, things that mass murders and mass shootings cause. These events are terrifying, and are why I think they should be considered acts of terrorism/domestic terrorism. I think that the label wouldn't really change the way people perceive the behavior, as I believe people already see these acts as terrorism, but I certainly think it'll affect the way it is prosecuted and treated. I think that there will be much harder punishments and much heavier sentences that the people who committed the crimes will have to face. I do not think it is appropriate to call mass shootings committed by younger white males "white domestic terrorism" because at the end of the day, the aftermath is the same. Innocent people's lives are lost, and I do not believe that labeling it based on the attacker's/attackers' race, ethnicity, etc. would do any good for anyone.

    Word Count: 191

    • Hello Martin, I also agree with your stance on labeling mass murder as an act of terrorism and how it would affect how the act is treated in court, yet I differ on how the label would change the public eye's view. I believe that people would actually treat the act as a more significant, high-profile threat. In the US, people started fearing and being cautious of potential terrorist attacks after 9/11. The term "terrorism" garnered a whole new, scarier meaning, and I believe it would still hold its significance if it was used to describe mass murder.

      [WC: 98}

  • I personally define terrorism to be a violent act committed by a criminal group that inflicts harm on an innocent group of individuals. By such a case, I would label mass murder (mass shootings) as an act of terrorism. Mass shootings are when a disturbed individual or a group illegally fires into a mob of people, killing many. This not only causes much havoc and destruction but also ends up in mental distress and stress, which I would definitely consider an act of terrorism. I think once we label mass murder as such, the way we perceive the act and the consequence will change. Mass shootings are terrifying on their own, but when we add that more globally frightening name of terrorism, society may go into more disarray. In general, there is less sympathy for those who our country defines as terrorist versus citizens, and I believe that the terrorists will now be punished under harsher federal law. Although most mass shootings are committed by white males, I don’t think it is appropriate to refer to it as “white domestic terrorism,” because we shouldn’t label a heinous crime to a specific group of people. This can lead to countless comments on racism since we don’t label other groups of terrorist acts, and this could cause more polarization in our continuously dividing country. (Word Count: 222)

  • I do believe mass shootings should be labeled as an act of terrorism because it instills fear into people when they walk into certain settings. When we are in large gatherings and there is a sudden uproar in the crowd, people immediately panic and run with the fear of it being a shooting. Labeling them under an act of terrorism falls under the idea that most of the time these are done with a political position in mind, but there is also the other side where mental illness is involved and it makes it harder to categorize mass shooting into one label without affecting those with mental health issues. Regardless of politics or mental state, categorizing mass shooting as an act of terrorism would probably lead to harsher punishment for the one doing the acts, and would probably force our country to take them more seriously than it has been handled so far. Even though most mass shooters have been by white males, I would not categorize it as "white domestic terrorism" because it then becomes prejudice. 

    (177 words)

  • As mass shootings are done to insinuate fear or terror to a particular group of people, I think they should be considered an act of terrorism. I think terrorism is usually perceived as an act against nationalism, hence it is why most people would say foreign attack groups "terrorists," however most everyone's idea of terrorism shifted after Jan. 6 last year, where I think the definition it is mostly accepted an act of violence committed against a group of people now; in the case of mass shootings/murders I think they should. because a lot of people are targeted and hurt. The label of terrorism will cause people to react more strongly towards a crime labeled as a terrorist attack and with more attention cases like such will be pushed to have a strengthened and heavier prosecution and treatment of said criminal. I think it's appropriate to call the act of young white males who commit these crimes "white domestic terrorism" because they are doing it in a way that they are targeting specific groups which is terrorism because it is attacking a group with malicious intent. 187

  • I agree with the idea that mass murder and mass shootings should be labeled as an act of terrorism or domestic terrorism because then the crime would be taken even more seriously in legal courts and the public eye. In the US, terrorism is regarded as an extreme threat to the country, so including mass murder in the category of terrorism will lead to equally as extreme or harsher sentences for the terrorists who commit the act. In the public eye, there would be even more protests and outcry against mass murderers because of the prominence mass shootings have in the legal court, which leads to potentially more call-to-actions from social justice groups.

    In addition, even though the majority of mass shootings in the US are committed by younger white males, it is not appropriate to call them “white domestic terrorism.” Involving race will lead to racial bias and more discourse about race, which will divert attention away from the real matter of domestic terrorism. The main discussion that should be held among both legal courts and the public eye should be on the terrorist act. People were hurt because of the crime committed, not the race of the terrorist.

    [WC: 200]

  • Mass murder should be labeled as an act of terror. A person committing this “mass murder” must have a motive for when they have initiated it. For example, if a person were to go to a school and start shooting innocent lives, this could be a response to a sudden change in their life. They could be responding from a trauma from relationships, life situation or battling with inner-crises. If this is true, the shooters are basically “terrorizing” civilians and it is sadly still happening until this day. This crime should not be taken lightly because I can see lives being prevented if we implemented more strict protocols to gun laws and background checks. I know it may raise more panics, but the more prepared we are, the more lives we save. 

    I am aware that mass shootings are occurred with young white males. personally, I do not think we should call this “white domestic terrorism” just because the majority were done by white males. What would the public think if we had a name for every single race (ex: Asian domestic terrorism, Latino domestic terrorism, etc.)? We learn to view each race in bad terms.

    Word count: 196

  • Mass murder such as mass shootings that are very common in the United States are definitely considered terrorism. What has been shown over the past few years that people in the United States only to certain situations to do with race in a group of people to label as terrorism and other ones has not been when they can be way worse.

    People only label mass murder and shootings terrorism when it is people from a certain group. It has been shown that people only perceive terrorism when it is from a group of people from a different country and are a different race. For example 9/11 was a mass terrorism attack by a group of people from Islam who hijacked a plan. They are instantly seen as terrorists where as during school shootings people don’t even think to classify the suspects as terrorists because they are white and from the United States. 

    It is not appropriate to call the white males who committed mass shootings as white domestic terrorists because I believe they should just be classified as terrorist. They do not need to be pointed out as white or not a terrorist is a terrorist no matter their race, background, or ethnicity. 

    Word Count: 203

  • I think mass shootings should be labeled as an act of terrorism or domestic terrorism because it is the killing of a large amount of people. I don't understand why they don't use this label because it does happen often in the U.S. The "label" might change the way people perceive the behavior into an act that is not only done by the Taliban or Islam people. People have this already perceived version of what terrorism looks like in their head. They never picture a white person when using that word. With this in mind, when crime is prosecuted it may bring harsher sentences to mass shooters and the system will look at this people differently instead of a lighter sense. Although in the U.S. , most mass shootings are committed  by younger white males I don't think it is appropriate to call this "white domestic terrorism" because I don't think you should include race in it. The terrorism we know today doesn't include any form of race or ethnicity.  169 words

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