Tuesday, December 20, 2022



  • Dis3- Discussion #3 - My Personal Statuses

    52 unread replies. 91 replies.

    This discussion assignment has 2 parts, and is a mandatory, graded class assignment.  You must complete both parts for a maximum of 5 total points. 

    No late work accepted under any circumstances... discussion board will close at 11:59 pm on the deadline date.  WRITE THE WORD COUNT AT END OF EACH RESPONSE.... NO WORD COUNT....NO FULL CREDIT

    1.  (3 pts max)   Please write a 150-200 word response to the questions(s) below.  Responses less than 150 words will receive reduced credit.  This should be in your own words, using your own thoughts and ideas.  DO NOT RESEARCH for these questions, and do not give statistics, or information from other sources. Do not paraphrase or cite other sources.  ANSWER ALL PARTS OF THE QUESTION(S) FOR FULL CREDIT CONSIDERATION.      Hit "reply" button to submit an original response

    Choose 4 of your own personal statuses ( 2 achieved statuses and 2 ascribed statuses), and describe the roles that are expected or attached to each of those statuses.  Please give detailed information. Please write about your own personal life, and not in generic terms.  (e.g.  I am a male ( ascribed status)  and the expectations of me based upon this status is........ ) ( remember to write an accurate word count at the end of your response)


    2.   (2 pt )   Please write  a 50-75 word (approx) answer to one of your classmate's response.  Open a classmate's response, read and give feedback to the writer.  Hit "reply" button to submit feedback to a classmate's response  ( remember to write an accurate word count at the end of your response)

    Please remember...NO LATE POSTINGS ALLOWED.   Students have multiple days to complete this assignment, so loss of power, loss of internet, and broken technology is NEVER an excuse for missing deadlines.  




    This topic was locked Oct 16 at 11:59pm.
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     Discussion 3

    I am a mother of a toddler girl (achieved statues), in this role I am expected to look after my daughter as a mother should, protect her, look after her and educate her. I enjoy my role as a mother to the girl that means the world to me. I brought her to the world so I am responsible to protect her and give her the best life possible that I can offer her.

    I am a 34 year old woman (ascribed statues), I am expected to be a mature and responsible individual. I am expected to have the right judgement, know how to file my tax and have a good credit score.

    I am a medical assistant (achieved statues), in this role I am expected to know how to draw blood, take patient’s vital sign, give injections, provide care to the patient based on doctor’s order but within my scope of practise, as well as referring them to the right doctor based on patient’s insurance.

    I am an Asian (ascribed statues), I am expected to look after my parents, be a good daughter to them. I am also expected to be respectful to elderly and people might expect me to be reservedness. (207 words)

  • Hey Nga, how long did it take for you to land this job as a medical assistant, and does it pay well? You sound like a great mother and sounds like you are teaching your daughter right, and for a34 year old you look really young, at least thats what i can tell from you profile picture. - 57 words 

  • Hello Nga!! 

    You sound like an excellent mother to your daughter!!! I really want to become a nurse so your insight on what you do as a medical assistant has given me a point of view as to some of the things that I could be doing for my aspired career! 

    (51 words) 

  • Hi Nga! I find it so impressive that you are able to take care of your daughter, be a medical assistant, and still take classes at the community college! You sound like an amazing mother to your child and I'm sure your daughter will appreciate you a lot when she is older. 


    word count: 52

  • Hi Nga, 

    I have a dream like you, to be related to medicine to help people who need me and the things I do for them. I really impressed that you are a medical assistant. I hope one day we can be like peers. You did a very great job for all the things you had done in your life. Thank you, Nga.

    Count Word: 63

  • Hi Nga ,


    I am proud of your achievements and being a great mother. I am currently working as nursing assistant; we are in the same health care professional field. Although it’s a stressful job I love to take care of the patients. I inspired your hard work to achieve your education and career goal.


    Edited by Phyu Phyu Thant on Oct 16 at 10:09pm
    • Hi Nga,

      It is Interesting and impressive that you are a medical assistant. How long did it take you to achieve being able to work as one? To add, what training was required for you to be one? That is a great career and amazing you are doing something currently that involves working in the medical field.

      Word Count: 57

  • For my two achieved statuses I would have to say that say in my last two years in Highschool I made the deans honors list and the honors list back to back along with perfect attendance (achieved status), because I got this status in Highschool I am expected to do great things in college by all my family members. To many of my friends I am very helpful, trustworthy, funny and out going person who is always there for people to me I would say that is a (achieved status). with this achieved status I am expected to always be someone that anyone can go to regardless if we are close or not I just have been know to always be there for people and help them out with whatever situation to the best of my abilities. For my two ascribed statuses I would say, that  I am a black male with locs and because of this I am expected to be or seen by many outsiders as a "thug" or someone affiliated with gangs and whatnot but im actually I really sweet and kind person when you get to talk to me.  For my second ascribed status I would say that im 18 and just turned 18 on the 23rd actually.

  • For my two achieved statuses I would have to say that say in my last two years in Highschool I made the deans honors list and the honors list back to back along with perfect attendance (achieved status), because I got this status in Highschool I am expected to do great things in college by all my family members. To many of my friends I am very helpful, trustworthy, funny and out going person who is always there for people to me I would say that is a (achieved status). with this achieved status I am expected to always be someone that anyone can go to regardless if we are close or not I just have been know to always be there for people and help them out with whatever situation to the best of my abilities. For my two ascribed statuses I would say, that  I am a black male with locs and because of this I am expected to be or seen by many outsiders as a "thug" or someone affiliated with gangs and whatnot but im actually I really sweet and kind person when you get to talk to me.  For my second ascribed status I would say that im 18 and just turned 18 on the 23rd actually. - 212 words

    • Response 1 of 1

      Hi Sir Kwanye,

      I am very impressed with your achievement in high school, I have never got on any dean's honor list so good on you! I am sure you are going to continue doing very well in college and achieve whatever goals you set for yourself.

      I found it very interesting that because different skin color and appearance, and our fashion or hairstyle choices, give out different perceptions of ourselves to other people. For instance, a doctor can be the best surgeon in town, however, if he wore dirty clothing, greasy and messy hairstyle, and has unkempt facial hair, people may not able to tell he is a surgeon and may think he is a struggling homeless man. And when people see me, an Asian woman, they might assume I am a bad driver! (136 words)


  • I am a level six all star cheerleader (achieved status), what is expected of me from this level of status is I have to be persistent in training. That means that when it comes down to certain skills that I must have mastered in order to be at the level I am at I have to practice everyday to ensure that all of my skills continue to stay consistent. This also means that I have to learn new skills and to do that I have to go to practices and it can take hours or weeks to make sure a new skill has been perfected.  

    I am also an honor student ( achieved status) , all throughout middle school and high school I maintained being on the honor roll and I continue to strive to keep my grades to that standard in college. This role expects me to make time to study and to do well on exams and quizzes and to turn in every assignment on time and make sure it is my best work forward. Even though it can get tiring to maintain that status I am thankful that I have worked so hard and in the future will be just as thankful or even more so. 

    I am a mix of Italian and Portuguese ( ascribed status). In this role I am expected to keep family traditions, recipes and values alive through my children and the next generations. For instance making sure that the sauce is always handmade (Italian)  and to celebrate St. Anthony's Day (Portuguese). 

    I am the eldest sister of 5 (ascribed status), in this role I am expected to take care of all my younger siblings when the need me the most. The ages run from ages 16 to 9 years old and they all have different sets of needs.  

    303 words 

  • Hi Zoey! It's so impressive that you were able to stay on the honor roll throughout middle school and high school! Once you start the habit of being a good student, it's easy to continue being one throughout your life, so I'm sure you will be able to keep your grades to your standard in college as well. Thanks for sharing some of the traditions that you will be keeping alive like your homemade suaces and celebrating St. Anthony's Day. 


    word count: 80

  • Hey Zoey!  With being a level six all star I can only imagine the level of competition you would have as well as the expectations that come along with it. Being this young and having to do with school and how well you did in it with a combination of sports is something that isn't shined on as much as it should be

  • Hi Zoey! 

    You should be extremely proud being able to stay an honor student throughout all high school and middle school while also doing cheer! I used to cheer so I know how extremely tiresome it could be and how long it could take to perfect a certain stunt or skill. Also having to care for your siblings at the same time, you have such dedication and determination, your siblings are so lucky to have you as their role model!

    (words 80)

  • Hi Zoey,

    I can actually relate to you a lot, coming from a student-athlete myself. Congrats on being a level-six cheerleader! That is a really big achievement that you should be proud of. I can imagine how hard it would be to keep up with the training and all that schoolwork. Also, being the oldest child must be hard (I can imagine) because you have to set an example for your younger siblings. Thanks for sharing!


    Word Count: 77

    • Hi Zoey

      I really did not know that you are a talented person, a brilliant person with an idealistic mindset and you have worked hard from your studies to your passion. You are also a person who knows how to keep your traditions and you are worthy of being the eldest sister of your brothers and sisters. Since you are a great human being, you did a great job, I wish you every success on your path, and keep smiling.

      Count Word: 80

  • For one of my ascribed status, I am twenty years old. I am expected to attend and finish college so I can pursue a career after I graduate.  I am expected to find who I am in this world.  I am very young and have lots of room to grow.  For my second ascribed status, I am supposed to be a role model for my younger sister.  I am expected to set a good example to show her how well to stay on top of schoolwork.  I am expected to show her how to be a good person, how to treat others and how to be helpful towards others.  For one of my achieved status, I ran cross country in high school.  I ran the Scott Bauhs Invitational and placed seventh place.  For my second achieved status, I played varsity soccer all four years of high school.  For my last year, I was awarded the All League award because I was the most hardworking player from our division. (168 words)

  • Hi Lauren,

    It's amazing that you want to be a role model for your younger sister and I know that she would always want to look up to her older sister (from a younger sister's perspective:) ). 

    What are you currently majoring in and what kind of career path do you want to take when you graduated from university?

    Thank you for sharing,


    Word count: 66

  • Hi Teddy,

    I am currently majoring in Kinesiology and I want to teach sports to young kids or become a personal trainer.  I always been into sports since at a young age and a big sports fan.  For about a year now, I've been learning my way through strength training and conditioning.  I want to help others in the gym.

    • Hi Lauren,

      I share some of the roles and expectations that you have, especially for your ascribed statuses. I, too, am expected to get good grades and complete college so I can pursue a career. I also have a younger brother, who I'm supposed to be a role model for, and I'm expected to help him with anything he might need help with.

      Thank you for sharing this!

      Word count: 70

  • I am an eighteen-year-old (ascribed status) and I am expected to go to school and get good grades. In the future, I am expected to continue my academics until I at least graduate college. Then I will be moving on to getting a job in the future. 

    I am also a daughter (ascribed status). I am expected to respect my parents and all of the elders in the family, and also care for them when they get old. As a daughter of immigrants, my role is to help my parents through any language barrier issues that stand between them and the new environment and help our family assimilate into the U.S. 

    I am a university student (achieved status). I worked hard to get into college and I will be going to a university in the upcoming spring semester. I dedicated a large chunk of my time in high school to get into a good school, and I am glad I was able to do so with the support of my parents. 

    I am a swimmer (achieved status). I swam on my high school swim team all four years of high school and it was a very tiring sport, but I still persevered through it. As a senior on the team, I was expected to give the underclassmen advice and set up socials to improve team bonding. 


    word count: 226

    • Hi Sophia! Congratulations on getting into university! It’s really admirable to hear about your perseverance with swimming in high school even though it may have been physically demanding, especially with your academic workload. Will you be joining swimming in college? I wasn’t a swimmer but I highly recommend checking out all the resources your college offers and utilizing them (since you’re paying for it in tuition anyways). Best of luck to you! 

      Word Count: 72

  • I am Vietnamese (ascribed status). I am expected to respect my elders and care for my parents in their old age. I am also expected to pass on the language and family traditions, such as my mother’s Vietnamese recipes and Tết (Lunar New Year) celebration. In my family, I am also expected to get good grades in school and become a doctor. 

    I am also the eldest daughter (ascribed status). As the eldest daughter, I am expected to follow my parent’s rules in the house. I am responsible for helping my parents, such as doing chores around the house or translating for them on any occasion when there isn’t a Vietnamese speaker available. I am also responsible for taking care of my younger brother and am expected to guide and give him advice as he moves forward in his educational journey. 

    I am a college graduate (achieved status). As a college graduate, I am expected to know what I want to do in life and have a stable job or career path. I have developed good studying and discipline habits, along with science and laboratory skills, that I’m expected to utilize in my future career. 

    I am also a medical assistant (achieved status). As a medical assistant, I learned how to take patients’ vitals. I am also expected to prepare examination rooms and assist the doctor when needed. I am also responsible for checking the patients in and out, scheduling their appointments, and preparing their lab orders.

    Word Count: 247

    • Hi Trang!
      Congrats on your achievements as a college graduate! I know it is hard to be the oldest in a family because you are expected to be a good model for the younger siblings and have to help them in everything. The load will triple when you have non-English speaker parents because you are their translator and help them, too. I can see that you are working hard to achieve your goal of being a doctor, good luck.

      (Word count - 75)

  • For my first ascribed statues, I'm 19 years old while needing to get through college and be working at the same time as well as taking care of my younger family members if needed. My second ascribed statue would be becoming a state champion going into high school for wrestling with people expecting to do good once again. If you fall short from your past achievements in that matter people talk about it as lucky or not as good anymore.  A feeling I would despise would be losing to someone I had beat before then knowing people are talking about the loss. My third ascribed statue being a personal trainer as the expectation just being to give workouts. After multiple sessions you get to know the clients and want to make sure they keep on track with nutrition and training  with the relationship. My final ascribed statue is my ethnicity being latino and it is expected to stay close with family and in my opinion grow up fast. Everyone in my family is close to each other and I typically only hangout with family which I enjoy because I know at the end of the day they are the people I can rely on as well as put my trust into


  • Hi Nicholas,

    When and why did you become a personal trainer? I agree that the expectation for this ascribed status is that you are there to give people workout routines, but it also sounds like nutrition is a large portion of the training plan too. I would also expect a personal trainer to have a background in athletics, which you also have since you used to (or still) do wrestling.


    70 words

    • Hey Nicholas,

      I definitely can relate to your role as a student and family member. It can be difficult in life to juggle personal, academic, and professional worlds. Especially as an older brother, there's a lot of stress to get everything perfect. I definitely love to see and read about how close you are to your family and how you always find time for them. 


      65 Words

  • I am Mexican, this is an ascribed status, I am expected to speak Spanish, eat spicy food, continue hispanic traditions, and cook well. When in reality, I don't speak Spanish, I don't follow all hispanic traditions, I do enjoy spicy food, but I am not the best cook. I am a baker, this is an achieved status, I enjoy baking from scratch and it took a lot of time and hard work to perfect my recipes and to be able to decorate cakes and cupcakes. I am the eldest sister, ascribed status, as the oldest sister I was expected to take care of my younger siblings, since moving out, I no longer have that expectation, but I still have the expectation of being the person that they can talk to and keep their secrets. Lastly, my favorite achieved status, I am a mother, I am expected to care for my son, teach him, and be there at all his times of need. I love being a mother and being able to help my son grow and always being the person he can count on, and knowing that his mom is always here to protect him.

    (words 195)

    • Hi Alexis! 

      Thank you for sharing. It's interesting to read your ascribed status because I am also expected to speak my home language---Taishanese, but I don't and am unable to. I can understand way more than I can talk and I think we are expected to carry on the traditions but it is hard when the peers around you speak a different language. I also really liked your favorite achieved status, you seem like a very caring mother and your son is lucky to have a great mom like you!

      (91 words) 

  • 1. CNA (achieved). I am a Certified Nursing Assistant. I am expected to go to work when I am scheduled and when I am at work, I am expected to assist my charge nurse with his/ her duties. I help my patients with their daily activities, transfers, feedings, etc. I also answer call lights and chart everything that happened with each patient in my shift. 

    2. Student (achieved) I am a college student that goes to De Anza College and Diablo Valley College. I am expected to do my work before the due date, study for exams, attend lectures, and learn the material that's being taught. I am expected to take care of my own education. 

    3. Daughter (ascribed) I am a daughter in a family of 5. I am the middle child and my role as the daughter is to take care of my parents and my younger siblings with her education and help out with family duties for my parents because they don't speak English. I am expected to be there for my family members through thick and thin and support them in any way I can. 

    4. I am Taishanese (ascribed). I was born in Taishan and my family still speak taishan. I am expected to respect my elderly and take care of my younger siblings. I am expected to always stay true to myself and stand by my actions, and provide for myself and my family. 

    (240 words) 

    • Hey Kelly, thanks for sharing this! I know it's not easy to balance school, work and home life so props to you for carrying yourself! Although I'm not a middle child and am not expected to take care of my siblings, I can understand how it feels to help with family when English is not their first language. I don't live close by to my family but I do try to support them as much as I can through face time or a phone call. Your family is really lucky to have you! 


      word count: 93

  • I came to America for high school about ten years ago (achieved status), back then, I could barely understand English but I had overcome my fear and proved to myself that I could do it. And I did this by attending a 4-years university to earn my bachelor's degree in business marketing. I also made another degree in journalism (archived status), where I used to work as a freelance social media editor for a student-run newsroom at De Anza College. At that job, I learned the natural work environment as a reporter and an editor for a newsroom. 

    I am an international student from Vietnam (ascribed status). I always want to share with my foreign friends about my country and our culture. Especially about Vietnamese cuisine. I remembered I used to cook Vietnamese food mostly every day when I was in high school. Thanks to that homesick period, I am proud of my cooking skill (ascribed status). 

    Word count: 159

  • Hi Teddy, 

    I loved how you shared about your journey.  I really love how you became a journalist.  It must be so cool to be the reporter and editor for a newsroom.  We need more women like you in our sports industry.  Maybe one day, you can come work for me because I always thought of a podcasts for myself relating towards the fitness industry.  Im good at talking a lot but not great at making ideas for my speech. (80 words)

    • Hi Teddy,

      I love your sharing. I am also an international student. I am originally from Hong Kong. I'd like to make more foreign friends at college as well. I also enjoy cooking and baking. If you're interested, we should hang out sometimes! Share our culture and cuisine; I'd love to try Vietnamese food.

      Word Count: 54

  • My two ascribed statuses that I fall under are being a male and being Bosnian. The roles that are expected with being a male is to be a leader and to be strong to name a few, this isn't to say that woman aren't capable of the same it's just an image society holds with males. The roles associated with being Bosnian are being well mannered and hard working; my whole family ha these traits and I strive to follow the same. An achieved status I have acquired through my life is being a college student; the societal norms that are associated with being a college student are being a hard worker and having goals that you are working towards. Another achieved status that I hold is being a varsity soccer player; I played all four years of high school the traits that come from being on varsity soccer are hard working, dedication, and athleticism. 

    Word count: 155 

  • I am the youngest sibling (Ascribed status.) I am expected to follow the footsteps of my other siblings as they are both well off and my parents want the same for me as well. I am expected to help family out such as attending doctor's appointments with my grandparents or translating important documents.

    I am 25 years old (Ascribed status.) I'm expected to hurry up and finish college. I'm able to provide for myself and move away from home. I'm more responsible with my finances now and can still enjoy my 20's without any expectations of children or marriage. 

    I am a patient care coordinator (Achieved status.) I work full time and it's my job to provide everything a patient needs to prepare for their surgical appointments such as prescriptions, medical clearances, treatment breakdowns, etc. 

    I am a college student (Achieved status.) I am a returning student as I did not attend consistently before. I'm working hard to get good grades so I can finish this time. I'm expected to push my career further after college. 


    word count: 177

  • Hi Tammy, thank you for sharing this with us. I believe that the pressure of being a 25-year-old and a return college student can sometimes be overwhelming. I feel that older Asian people have this stereotype that if we have not obtained our degree at a certain age, it is more difficult for us to get a job. However, you have proven that this stereotype is not true because it is possible to work and get a degree at the same time. 

    Word count: 82


    • Hey Tammy, for me it’s kind of reverse roles instead of being the youngest sibling I’m the oldest. So instead of following someone’s footsteps I have to make them, although I do wonder sometimes what it would be like to be the middle or youngest child. Also I have lots of respect for you being able to balance a full time job and still attend college! - 66 words 
  • I am a content creator on Youtube (achieved status), therefore certain mindset, such as continuously coming up with new ideas to create content, is part of my job to do well on my channel. I still have a difficult time managing my work and balancing my social life; however, that is part of the fun and challenge which I am expected to adapt to over time. 

    I am a Chinese-Indonesian citizen (ascribed status) who has to respect the combination of my roots. Even if the Chinese culture here has definitely been influenced by the Indonesian one, I still have responsibilities to understand both at their core. To do this, I must join family gatherings during the Chinese New Year or partake in the Flag Raising Ceremony to commemorate Indonesia’s soldiers.

    I am also the youngest female child in my family (ascribed status), but I have taken many of my older siblings’ responsibilities from a relatively young age. Therefore, from my willingness to take action, it is expected that I drive my parents to the hospital or take care of them in the future financially. Furthermore, my older siblings have expectations of me to listen attentively and give solutions if they ask for any.

    I am an international college student at De Anza College (achieved status). With this, it is my duty to do well in my subjects and ultimately get my Bachelor’s Degree. Although this may be enough to make me and my parents happy, we also have expectations for me to join internships and other opportunities that can help in my career. 

    Word count: 263

  • Hi Maureen, 

    I think it is fantastic that you are a content creator. It makes me interested in seeing some of your content! I can not imagine how creative you must be. I think it is so great that you are an international student. What are your views on the American lifestyle? I wish you well in your college education journey. 

    (Word Count: 64)

    • Hi Maureen,

      Youtube content creator sounds so cool, I can not wait to see your content,  what type of content do you create? I sometimes post some videos on Tik Tok, I think it is too difficult to have a good idea, I wish you to find a balance between work and entertainment.


  • Hello everyone!

    One of my Achieved statuses is being a college student. Some of the expected roles I have as a college student are, attending classes, doing homework, and studying hard to achieve a better grades. The other one is being an Orthodox Christian. As an Orthodox Christian, I am expected to pray every day, go to church on the weekend, and fast on Wednesdays and Fridays. 
    Being Male is One of the ascribed Statuses I have. As a male, the roles expected from me are to be strong physically, protect family members from any harm, provide for the family, and not display emotions. As a child, when I grew up, my parents told me not to cry. As to my family, boys are not allowed to cry and show such emotions. After all, it is considered a symbol of weakness. The other one is being Ethiopian. As an Ethiopian, I am expected to love my country, be heroic, respect elders, and support my family back home.

    (Word Count - 165)

    • Hi Besrat,

      I feel for you about the part being a man and the expectations that society and culture has put on us just because of our gender. Today, it is clearly known that men go under big pressures to not express themselves. They are expected to be strong, physically and emotionally, all the time. Maybe that's the reason men go to therapy less than women. On the other hand, I am as a woman expected to be nice and calm all the time, even when I am asking for my rights and this could be so annoying too!  (99 words)


  • I am a female Mexican American woman. (Ascribed status) This entails I take care of the household but also I must pursue a successful career path and have the ability to take care of myself and my children financially if need be. 

    I am the eldest of the five children my parents conceived. (Ascribed status) I am expected to be a good remodel for the younger siblings and lead a successful path in which will encourage them to follow the path I have created.

    I am a mother to a beautiful seven month old baby girl. (Achieved status) With this being said, I know I must continue my schooling to have the ability to take care of the both of us all while taking care of her needs and working my job. I am not pressured into this much responsibility from my husband, it is more of a learned behavior taught by my parents. 

    I have finished all prerequisites for the nursing program. (Achieved Status) The goal here is to be a Nurse Practitioner in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. It has been challenging with a new baby, but with my husband's support and the vision I have for my child's future makes me determined to finish my studies no matter how hard it is sometimes.  

    (Word Count: 216)


    Edited by Liyah Gonzales on Oct 14 at 9:18pm
    • Hey Liyah, thank you for your response. I feel very connected to you through your ascribed statues, being the eldest child and having to be the perfect role model and even though I didn't wrote about this but I am also a daughter of two immigrants so the pressure of becoming successful is always there. Congratulations of finishing all your prerequisites for the nursing program and good luck for what's to come next!

      Word Count: 73

  • I am 17 years old (ascribed status) and I am expected to be responsible and help my family. Since I am in college, I should be focused on school and start to be more independent. Soon, I will turn 18 and become an actual adult so I also need to work for my own money and provide for myself.

    I am Vietnamese (ascribed status) and I am expected to be respectful to my elders and to continue passing down Vietnamese traditions. Because I was born in America, I am expected to progressively get better at my Vietnamese and hopefully one day I will be semi-fluent.

    I made it to the NorCal Championships this year for Badminton. It was honestly one of the biggest achievements of my life and I am proud of myself for making it so far up at a sport I've only been playing for 4 years (probably shorter than most people there). I worked very hard to get there and now, people expect me to keep playing because I proved that I have real skill, but because of my schedule, I am not able to play as much.

    I am also a college student and I am a first-gen college student in my family. I'm expected to make my family proud and transfer, get a degree, and end up with a successful job.

    Word Count: 226

  • I was two year tennis captain of my high school team (achieved statues), according to my family and my high school tennis coach I am expected to continue playing tennis in college. Although I enjoyed playing tennis in high school no one ever asked me if I wanted to continue and that expectation was just thrown on me. 

    I am 19 years old (ascribed statues), according to my Indian parents I am mature and of age. Therefore I am expected to settle down as soon as they find a suitable husband for me. 

    I am a honor student (achieved statues), I am expected to keep up the good work and continue receiving straight As in college because that is all I received throughout middle school and high school. 

    I am the first born of my family (ascribed statues), because I am the first born I am expected to carry more responsibilities than my siblings, Im not suppose to mess up because I need to be the good example my siblings learn from. 

    Word Count: 172

    • Hi Jaspreet! I love how you included that you are a first born in the family because that is such an important factor of who you are. I can also relate to you about being at the age to have to be mature. I can definitely feel that pressure and fear of disappointment. 

      (word count: 55) 

    1. Ascribed status: only child


    As an only child, I had the privilege to receive more of my parents’ attention. My parents were able to drive me to school and to after school activities. I also am expected to perform well in school, but because I have no younger or older siblings, the bar my parents set for me was not based upon any prior experience with other children they have raised. 


    1. Ascribed status: female


    As a female, I’m generally expected to wear makeup, like baking, and even have neat handwriting. I do not wear makeup (except stage makeup for choir, which is mandatory), and I have very messy handwriting. However, one of these roles, enjoying baking, is true about me. 


    1. Achieved status: rock climber


    As a rock climber, I go to indoor climbing gyms, often with friends. And while many people assume that climbers have a lot of upper body strength, I do not. It’s something I’m working on, but it’s also not essential because using your lower body and proper technique are also important.


    1. Achieved status: farm intern


    As an intern at a local urban farm, I am expected to be knowledgeable when it comes to sustainable farming methods, types of crops, etc. For example, when a volunteer asked me why we cover the soil around plants with straw, I answered that it retains soil moisture and prevents weeds from growing. However, I am also there to learn.

    239 words

  • I am an Iranian woman (ascribed). I am expected to respect the norms of the society even more than men. I also expected to know cooking and capable of holding family gatherings and parties. Right now, With all the protests that are going on in Iran, I feel the obligation to talk about my country wherever and whenever it is possible. I feel that I have to pay my part even a little, even from thousands of miles away from there.

    I am the first child (ascribed). In my childhood, I have always been expected to take care of my younger brother, to have an eye on him when my parents were at work. I also have been expected to be a good role mode for him in studying and behavior. 

    I am a university graduate in dental field (achieved). As a professional, I am expected to be skilled in my job and to update my knowledge regularly. I am expected to have a specific level of manner and behavior in daily life. In addition, I am expected to answer family and friends questions about their dental issues even in a party or at a restaurant! Funny, I know!

    I am my family's news source (achieved)! They would ask me about what is going on in social media or political news. I like to know what is going on around me and that's why I read the news and watch the news channels and listen to their discussions and arguments. I am also interested in movies and shows, therefore, my friends usually ask my suggestions on what to watch! For these reasons, I feel that I have to make sure of validity of the information that I am giving them.  (290 words)


  • Hi Maryam, thank you for your sharing. I am also feeling connected to your ascribed statue that talks the protest in Iran. It makes me think about the protest in Hong Kong few years ago.    Congrat for being graduated in dental field, it must be difficult as it required a lot of work when you were in school. 

    Word count 60

    • Hi Maryam, it's really tough to be the first born child because you have to third parent your siblings and take on so many other societal roles that you never asked for. I admire you for speaking out for your country, culture helps keep the world colorful. I'm rooting for you! 51

  • I am Asian (ascribed status), and this requires me to embrace my culture and pass it down to future generations. I am expected to fly back to Asia frequently to visit family and friends. I am expected to learn the language so that I can speak to relatives. 

    I am a daughter (ascribed status). I am expected to respect and be appreciative of my parents. I am expected to support them once I am able to. As a daughter, I feel pressure to make my parents proud, they are my motivation. 

    I am a student (achieved status) therefore I am expected to study hard and get my work done. I am expected to finish school and get a degree to then join the workforce. 

    I am an employee (achieved status). In this status I am expected to show up to work on my scheduled times and do the work I am assigned. I am expected to enthusiastically help my superiors and coworkers. 

    (word count: 163) 

  • Hi Christine,

    Thank you for sharing Christine. I am also an Asian and I am expected to follow Asian culture and visit my family back in Asia. Although recently I haven't visited because of the policies through covid I'll probably head back in the future. Likewise, I am also required to understand the language that they speak so I can communicate with them.

    63 words

    • HI Cristine, 

      Thank you for sharing some of your achieved and ascribed status. I am also Asian and I am also expected to carry down family traditions to my family one day and also I am expected to be respectful to elders and family members. I am also expected to take care of my parents and family one day.

      Word (60) 

  •  (Achieved statue) I am a college student at De Anza college. I am expected to finish all the assignments and get graduated from the college as soon as possible. I am excepted to keep studying and get a good grade in every subject no matter I'm interested or not.

    (Achieved statue) I am a account manager which is responsible to different family- sharing account like Netflix, Disney+ and YouTube Premium. I am expected to pay the monthly fee and remind the others pay me back as well.

    (Ascribed statue) I am from Hong Kong which is my birth place as well. I am expected to keep the culture of Hong Kong to my next gen and tell more about Hong Kong to the others about this place especially the protest in there which is in 2019. I always support the teenagers as they are pursing what they want. 

    (Ascribed statue) I am 23 years old. I am expected to be independent and be able to take care myself. I am also expected to take care of my family and support them.


    182 word count



  • I am an EMT (achieved status), and in this role, my responsibility is to the welfare and care of my patients. I'm to ensure that my patient's vitals are stable and their needs are met. I'm also to take an active role in stepping in should I notice any discrepancies with my patient's health status. 

    I am the eldest child of four (ascribed status), and in this role, my responsibility is to be a role model and guardian of my younger siblings. I must protect my younger siblings, and guide them in moments where they're vulnerable or lost.

    I am a man, (ascribed status), and the expectations of me, from my family and society, are to be strong and capable. I'm to be able to provide, and I'm to never let my emotions show as this would be seen as weakness. 

    I am a student, (achieved status), and the expectations of me are to learn and to ask questions. I'm to work hard to expand the scope of my knowledge and my thinking. I must do my best to further society and the pursuit of knowledge. 


    186 words

    • Hi Brian, thanks for sharing your different statuses. I liked reading about what you are responsible for as an EMT because I thought of doing that before. I'm sure that the job brings on a lot of pressure in high stake situations. I also wrote about being a student as my achieved status and I like how you said you need to do your best to further society. I was thinking more inwardly, but I'm glad you could change my perspective. 

      Word Count: 81


    1. I am the firstborn daughter (ascribed status) of my family. I am expected to be my sister's role model and my parents' right hand. Culturally, my success reflects my family because I represent my parents' efforts as immigrants in a new country.
    2. I am 18 years old (ascribed status). I'm just starting out my adult life and expected to be responsible and capable enough to go through the motions of life even if I'm not really sure. I have to go to college and fund my own life now because I am an adult. I pay rent, work full-time, and am supposed to pay taxes next year.
    3. I got accepted to 11 out of the 13 colleges I applied to last year (achieved status) because I put time into what I did in high school like academics, school spirit activities, and extracurriculars, but my mom had lung surgery during acceptance season so I chose to stay home to take care of her instead.
    4. I was selected as a honoree for my performance and leadership in my high school's newspaper (achieved status). I gave advice to the newer news staff and oversaw the paper's finances, editing, and organization. 197
  • Discussion 3

    One of my ascribed status that I am expected continue my education to advance my career. I aim to finish college to pursue associate science majoring in nursing. I am expected to become a nurse.

     I am 40 years old and newly immigrants, I have been to United States in 2018.   I also need to grow my ability and interpersonal skill. Another one of my ascribed status that I have a lot to learn in new environment such as culture, socioeconomic. Beyond learning activity  I intend to share knowledge and experiences. I am expected to show a good moral and interpersonal skill interact with peoples.

    I am a nursing assistant (achieved status), in this role I am expected to take care of the patient’s activity of daily living such as grooming, feeding, monitor the general condition and safety, monitor patient’s vital sign, documentation and reporting to the charge nurse.

    I am a college student (achieved status), in this role I am expected to complete my assignment and study very hard to get a good grade. I am responsible to get a good grade for my exam.

    (186 words)

  • One of my achieved statuses that I have is that I am a student at De Anza working on my goal to transfer to further my career in the future.

    My ascribed status is that I am the 20-year-old male son and currently my expectations of me on this status are to transfer to a different school and eventually get a degree in computer science. I am also expected to be mature now as I am of age and should be responsible for myself. I have been taught manners and common sense and I abide by those. 

    Another ascribed status is that I am also the older sibling and only son in my family of four. I am expected to be a role model for my younger sister. I am also expected to do some things that other people in my family can not as the oldest sibling and son. 

    A second achieved status that I have achieved is back in high school I was on the badminton team, and I was expected to practice every week and perform to my best. 

    Word count:183

    • Hey William, 

      I can relate to your ascribed and achieved statuses of being a young man that has to lead by example. We are gradually turning into adults, and the older we get the more mature we are expected to be. I think having younger siblings does help in realizing how much responsibility you have, being able to do things only the older sibling can do. Being on a sports team is also a beneficial role to fulfill, being expected to perform your best 100% of the time.

      word count: 88

  • I am a 19 year old boy (ascribed status), and I feel as if my role expects me to carry a good judgement, directing all of my attention into college while also gaining a stable income to eventually live independently. I'm in between the stages of child and adulthood, which I believe are the stages in life you experience the most, so keeping my mind focused on a good career will only help in the long run. 

    I am the older brother to my younger sister (ascribed status). This role has an expectation that I will protect my sister to my furthest extent, and lead a good example for her to follow. Whether I like it or not, she looks up to me as a role model, so my decision making process changes to be more calculated. 

    I'm also a cash handler at the Old Navy Outlet (achieved status). Others' rely on me to accurately disperse change throughout different registers, count the registers correctly and efficiently, while also keeping track of the store's traffic and sales.

    Another role I have achieved is designing denim for others (achieved status). I have achieved the ability for people to trust me in my design process, allowing me to alter clothing they themselves have purchased. I'm relied on to portray my client's personality into something they would genuinely wear, which is something I treat with the utmost importance.

    word count: 234

  • I'm a college student part-time ( archived statuses ), can study my favorite major, go to school to meet teachers and friends and exchange activities, and do the things I love while still being a student.

    I am having a part-time job related to my field of study ( ascribed statuses ), learning more, practicing, and meeting people who are so much better than me makes me feel very lucky to have this job and I must Promise myself that I have to work harder every day. 

    I'm 19 years old, I'm young, I'm still in the mood, and I have many dreams, hopes, and dozens of things to do on my bucket list ( archived statuses ). I must say that I am a person with a bright future when studying and working in this country of hope. Being accompanied by family, friends and loved ones is something I could never find growing up again. So I must always cherish my passing day so that it doesn't go by in vain. 

    I was able to help my mother when it was difficult ( ascribed statuses ), and even though I didn't do much, I was able to show that I was able to stand on my own with these legs and be independent with my two hands, I have I can prove to my mother that I have grown up. But that doesn't mean I don't need my mother at all, because I know I still need my mother and I hope she's happy about that. 

    Count Word: 249

  • I am a collegiate athlete (achieved status) and the expectations of me based upon this status is although it’s not a professional status I’m expected to have more knowledge and skill then any high school or under athlete, while on the other hand a pro athlete is expected to have more knowledge and skill then myself as well. I am also a college student (achieved status)  I’m expected to use what I’ve learned from high school where I’ve earned a diploma to higher my education and eventually use it to get my profession. Being the first born child (ascribed status) I’m expected to set an example for my younger siblings whether that’s doing good in school, getting a job, or doing chores. Being born a male (ascribed status) I’m legally obligated to sign up for the draft when I turn 18 if not I can be fined or even serve time in jail.- (153 words)

  • I am an only child (ascribed status), I should respect my parents and my elders. I have to obey the house rules, actively share housework, and take care of my parents in their later years.
    I am from China (ascribed status), and I respect my lineage and keep and pass on family traditions like Chinese New Year, I will be wearing red on the day. I should learn languages so that I can communicate with people.
    I am a college student (achieved status), I should study hard, choose a major that I like, get good grades, graduate from college, and find a suitable job. If possible, I will go to graduate school and study a new major.
    I am interning at my mom's office (achieved status), and I am supposed to show up at the office on time and do the work assigned to me. I should be enthusiastic to help colleagues and leaders.


  • That is amazing that you are interning at your mom's office while also being a college student. It must take a lot of time management in order to do this. It is also admirable that you have the desire to go to graduate school. As an only child I never thought about the fact that you are the only one that will have to take care of your parents in the future. (72 words)

    • Hi Yuqing It is so good that your parents will have you to count on when they need some assistance later on in life. It is impressive that you get to intern at your mom's office! what kind of office is it? what type of things do you have to help out with? (53 words)

  • I am 19 years old (ascribed status). I am expected to be much more mature and much more responsible than I was previously. I am expected to continue my education and to, at a later point, get a good job.

    I am the elder sibling in our family (ascribed status). Here, I am expected to be a role model for my younger brother and to set an example. I am also expected to assist him when he requires my help, whether it be homework or something else.

    I am a college student (achieved status). I've worked quite hard to get to this point, from my journey through school in Bulgaria and Germany, to my high school journey in the USA. I am expected to continue to work hard and get good grades, so I can have an easier time at acquiring a good job.

    I am able to drive a car and have a driver's license (achieved status). I am expected to help with grocery shopping and other types of shopping, since I am now able to go to the store on my own. 

    Word count: 186

    • Hi Martin,

      Being an older brother must be a lot of pressure, and setting an excellent example for younger siblings can be intimidating. I want to be a good role model for my younger brother as well, and I'm sure you worked hard to get where you are now, so that's excellent keep going. 

      Word count: 55

  • One of my ascribed statuses is being an older sister. With this status comes more responsibility and leadership in the household. I am expected to care for my little brother, drive him places, look after him, and set a good example. I am supposed to be a role model for him. The other ascribed status is that I am eighteen years old. With this status I am expected to go to college for higher education. As for my achieved status, one of them is that I am a college student at De Anza. I graduated high school and am taking the first steps into going to a university. As a student at De Anza, I am expected to transfer after two years and complete general education here. My other achieved status is that I am a podcast co host with my best friends. With this status I help plan the episodes such as what topic we choose or with editing. (160 words)

    • Hi Melanie, 

      I agree with you because I am the oldest and I did carry on many responsibilities. Which I know made me into a strong individual. I faced obstacles and were able to over come them. My mom did tell me I have to set a good example to my three siblings. Overall I can relate to your reply and can understand to where you're coming from. 


      WC 68

  • Discussion 3 
    I am a first-generation Mexican daughter (ascribed status); both of my parents are from Mexico and have struggled in life so that I can have a better one. And I'm very grateful to my parents for the struggles they made for me so that I can have a better environment than they did growing up.
    I am a full-time student (achieved status). I am a nursing student attending CNA school to become a certified nurse assistant. I have presently been a little lost in life, and going back to school and, finally, doing what I always wanted to do and helping people has been a great feeling.
    I am 21  (ascribed status). I turned twenty-one in august me and my sister are six years apart, but our birthday is a day apart, so we celebrate together.
    I am an artist(achieved status). I have painted murals for my high school and paintings for family and friends. I don't think im the best, but I am trying to improve. 

    Wordcount: 170

  • I am a Nine-Teen year old male (ascribed status) and I am expected to go to school to finish my education and deepen my understanding and knowledge of the world and  also perusing my passion in the dentistry field so that one day I can provide for my family and friends.

    I am an Athlete (achieved status) I am an athlete because I love the competitiveness sports has to offer I also love going to the gym to keep myself occupied and always determine to setting goals and also to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    I am an Asian (ascribed status) I am expected to be somewhere in the medical field, I am also expected to carry down family traditions to my children one day as a parent, I am also expected to be a great role model for my siblings.

    I am a college student (achieved status) I am a scholar because I wish for my education to bring me more knowledge on the world and the people around me , I take college not just for the knowledge but for the connections and the people I meet within in order to someday network for a side business I have in mind one day.

    WC (204)

    • Hi Calvin, being Asian myself, I can definitely agree with the fact that we are expected to carry down family traditions to the younger generation. There is always a constant reminder to my roots from my parents since they don’t want me to forgot my cultural identity too. Being young as well, I can also relate to being expected to finish school in order to get a job to support my family as well. 


      Word Count: 74

    • I am an older sister (ascribed status) as an older sister I am expected to be a positive role model so my siblings have someone they look up to, another parent because I take care of them sometimes, financially support them at times, I am responsible for their well-being and their safety, a teacher because I often give them advice about general stuff that I have already gone through or teach them about things they don’t know about. 
    • I am a 23-year-old (ascribed status) I am expected to be finished with school or at least to be at a 4-year. I am expected to have a good and stable job. In Mexican culture, this is also the age when you are expected to be engaged or married and thinking about starting a family.
    • I am a business major (achieved status) I am expected to know all things business, I am expected to be getting good grades on assignments as well as my classes overall. I am expected to have an idea of what type of businesses I would like to create.
    • I am a small business owner (achieved status) I am expected to keep it running, I am expected to process orders, come up with new products, keep things organized, keep things stocked, and manage money effectively.
    • word count: 219

  • I am a personal trainer (achieved status). I am expected to help people achieve their fitness goals. I stay attentive to my clients' body movements to ensure they maintain proper form to not cause any injuries. As a personal trainer, I help others create healthier habits and guide them to a more active lifestyle. 

    I am a college student (achieved status). I am expected to complete my assignments on time and retain the information that is presented to me. Being a student requires me to time manage so that I can finish all of my assignments and studying as needed. 

    I am Russian (ascribed status). Being Russian I am expected to be a helpful daughter and contribute to my family. I am also expected to speak the Russian language, which I now speak with a strong English accent.

    I am a sister (ascribed status). In this role, I am a support system to my siblings. My purpose is to help them with advice, emotional comfort, teaching them how to do something, giving them life lessons, and making sure they stay out of trouble. 

    Word Count: 183


    • Hello Natalie,

      I have a lot of respect for personal trainers because I could imagine how hard it is to not only keep yourself in shape, but to motivate others to do that as well, since maintaining good physique is something that takes a lot of consistency and discipline. I also like how you put college as a achieved status as I didn't realized that is technically an achievement in itself. I find all the people who have sisters as very fortunate people since I don't have any real sister and I always wanted to have one.

      Word count: 97

      Edited by Sagar Tomar on Oct 16 at 11:15pm
  • For my achieved statuses one that would come to mind is being a top 100 player in a game called Eternal. It is a strategy card game with monthly tournaments and events. As a result I am expected to place highly in tournaments and expected to maintain my rank, if not climb higher. As a result, I am viewed as someone newer players can watch or learn from. Another achieved status is that I am a certified AT&T Business sales representative. I have the ability to work one on one with small or large businesses a like to help them with their wireless needs. An ascribed status I have is being the brother of 2, this puts big responsibilities on my shoulders and I have to be a role model for my brothers. The second ascribed status I have is being Jaat. In India, the caste system determines your social power in the world and as well as your social influence. Coming from a farming background Jaat's are viewed as working class people who have been able to work their way up the ladder as a result of changing social structures today.

    word count 193

    Edited by Sagar Tomar on Oct 16 at 11:12pm
    • Hi Sagar, 

      I think its really cool that you've managed to get this rank in Eternal. Personally I haven't heard of the game but I used to spend a lot of time in another card game Hearthstone and know what it's like to climb the latter. The knowledge about the game that it takes to reach the top of a card game is something I love working towards and its cool to see that there's another person who enjoys that pursuit in this class.

      84 Words

  • For me, my two most defining ascribed statuses are being Asian and a young adult. Being Asian, I am expected by my family to continue to practice the cultural values that I was taught since I was a kid. These are simple things such as respecting elders, becoming successful, and doing well in school. Like my other Asian friends, we also have expectations to become financially well off because we also come from an immigrant family. As I am also someone who is fairly young, becoming eighteen in April, I also have expectations that come with it. I have to now be independent. This would include things such as having my own bank account, getting my drivers license, and continuing down a path of education. For my two achieved statuses, I would say being a computer science major and an honor roll student. In being a compsci major, I am expected to learn C++ as well as various other languages to do my classes. Being an honor roll student as well, I am expected to be above and beyond in the classes that I am enrolled in.


    Word Count: 187

  • Ascribed statuses

    To start one of my ascribed statuses is that I am half Italian and Korean. This comes with expectations of a union of culture however that may turn out. Whether it come out with a strong sense of both or losing both in the mixing process. There is also expectation of finding identity even while not quite fitting in on either side. 

    Another ascribed status is being the younger brother in my family. This comes with the expectations of learning by example and always being the youngest of the family. 

    Achieved status

    I guess the achieved status of musician is something that I have worked towards. Working with different instruments including the trombone, clarinet, and piano as a hobby or class in school has led me to this status. It's not something that I focus on but it is expected that I have basic understanding of music theory as well as the capabilities to pick up an instrument and bust out a song from memory. 

    Another achieved status is gamer for me. This comes with the expectations of being decent at any new game that comes out as it shows the understanding of games that I've built through the time I've put into the medium. This status has also come with the expectation of leaning towards introversion and spending more time online than not. 

    226 Words


    I am the father of two children and a husband (achieved statues). As a father and husband, I am expected to provide, protect and nurture my children while also being able to balance discipline and fun. I am also expected to be there for my kids by maintaining a healthy marriage and in turn being the type of man that I would like my daughter to marry and my son to model himself after.

    As a Mexican man (ascribed statues), I am expected to teach my children of our heritage and culture to ensure that it does not get lost in our future generations. For example, our religion, the Spanish language and our traditions.

    Finally, as the oldest sibling ( ascribed statues) I am expected to be a role model/teacher that my sibling can look to when in need or trouble. I am expected to take care of my younger siblings ensuring they learn about the would through my actions/mistakes.


    Word Count: 160

    • Hi Juan I agree with your aspect of being able to provide for your family and being able to be a great role model for your kids. Seeing how my father took care of me and my siblings showed me that he appreciated and loved all of us endlessly and the sacrifices he made to help us reach our potential never went unnoticed, he is the embodiment of a hard working Mexican/Native American father.

      75 words.
  • I am an assistant store manager to a store in the Stanford mall (achieved statues), in this role I manage day to day basis, make customers happy and make our monthly goals. I know I've come a long way in my retail career because I stared as a regular associate, kay holder, sales lead then to an assistant store manager. I love providing customer service but it isn't my career forever which is why I'm back in school.

    I am also a mother to a 10 month old boy(achieved statues), he is the reason why I decided to go back to school. I want to go for the career that I've always wanted. Which is to be in the medical field and become an EMT. It is my job to make sure he has a good future and also to protect him. I love teaching him new things everyday. Just seeing him grow everyday makes me want to work harder in life.

    I am the oldest in my family(ascribed statues), I look after my younger siblings ever since we were little. My mom was a busy person so when she went to work I would babysit my siblings, cook lunch& dinner as well as cleaning. I have to respect my elders. 

    I am Filipino(ascribed statues), I am expected to cook, clean and be very involved with our culture. I do love to cook but I'm not involved in our culture like that. 


    WC 246

  • Hello, Julianne.

    Thank you for sharing! I am also a parent and can relate to the need to return to school to both better ourselves/our children's lives and to be able to give our children a brighter future!

    I am the oldest sibling who was also tasked with looking after my siblings while my mother worked for our family. It was definitely a lot of pressure but i think it made me a more caring and understanding father.


    Word Count: 79

    • Hi Julianne, 
      I enjoyed reading your post! I am the younger sibling in my family so I’ll speak for younger siblings everywhere that we appreciate people like you taking care of us and setting great examples. Thank you for sharing!
  • I am a daughter (ascribed status) and I am expected to be respectful to my parents. I am expected to act the way they raised me whether or not they’re around. I have many rules that are set in my house as well as chores I am required to do. 

    I am a 19 year old (ascribed status) and I am expected to be a full time student while also finding time to work. I am required to pay for certain things on a monthly basis in order to keep luxuries in my life. 

    I am a basketball player (achieved status). I played basketball since I was 4 years old and I was apart of an AAU team up until high school where I played all 4 years. I was pulled up from jv my freshman year of high school and was expected to compete at a higher level. My senior year we were able to place second in the CCS finals, which we haven’t been able to do for over 20 years. 

    I am a college student(achieved status). I am expected to complete work when it is due and take the time needed to study for tests, quizzes, etc in order to achieve the grade I want in the class. 
  • For my two achieved status is I would have to say that I graduated from De Anza with my associates while also making the Dean’s list, my grades and transcripts were expected to be flawless by my family because if I don’t handle those responsibilities then my GPA would not be as high as it is and I would not be able to be excepted to any university. I am expected by a lot of people to be an outgoing and over the top person to do something in my family that nobody has ever done. I would say that my second achieved status would have to be that I am the only active member in my family that has  play sports at a high-level and is continuing to further their playing career.
    A scribed status 
    Me personally my ascribed statuses consist of being Mexican and Native American, plus being a young adult. Being Mexican and Native American means that I’m supposed to carry the culture of my family and still be able to tell stories that were passed down to me from my grandparents. I was taught since I was a kid to honor my ancestors and those who came before me and to exceed expectations by representing my culture and name by example. 

    215 words

  • I am a twenty year old woman (ascribed status) and in this role I am expected To be responsible since I am considered an adult, and pay a good amount of my expenses. To pay for a few of my expenses such as food, gas, clothes, and other things I have a job I work to earn money to pay for these things. 

    I am an honors student (achieved status) . I earned this status by maintaining good grades, which means setting as many hours as I can and staying on top of all my schoolwork. Reaching out to my teachers for opportunities to improve my scores and do better in their class. By having good standing with my college, I was able to get into the universities I wanted to go to for the spring semester this year to transfer. 

    I am a daughter (ascribed status) and in this role I am expected to respect both of my parents and help them out. If they need anything I can be there to help them out with it and take care of them when needed. 

    I am a shift lead at my work ( achieved status) and I earn this role by staying at my work for a long time and being the strongest in my department. I’m expected to help out the new hires by training them and making sure all of the work is done in my department. 

    Word Count: 237

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