Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Dis7 - Discussion #7 - My thoughts on Marriage & Divorce


  • Dis7 - Discussion #7 - My thoughts on Marriage & Divorce

    33 unread replies. 88 replies.

    This discussion assignment has 2 parts, and is a mandatory, graded class assignment.  THIS ASSIGNMENT IS WORTH UP TO 5   POINTS. 

    No late work accepted under any circumstances... discussion board will close at 11:59 pm on the deadline date.  WRITE THE WORD COUNT AT END OF EACH RESPONSE.... NO WORD COUNT....NO FULL CREDIT

    1.  ( 3 pts max)   Please write a 150-200 word response to the questions(s) below.  Responses less than 150 words will receive reduced credit.  This should be in your own words, using your own thoughts and ideas.  DO NOT RESEARCH for these questions, and do not give statistics, or information from other sources. Do not paraphrase or cite other sources.  ANSWER ALL PARTS OF THE QUESTION(S) FOR FULL CREDIT CONSIDERATION.      Hit "reply" button to submit an original response

    Do you think that marriage is an "outdated" and unnecessary social concept?  Why or why not? Do you want to get married in your lifetime? Give your ideas about this question.  Also, when it comes to divorce, do you think it is too easy right now to get a divorce? In your opinion, what are some good reasons that you would consider getting divorced, if you were married?  Explain your thoughts and ideas.  ( remember to write a minimum of 150 words, and write an accurate word count at end of response)

    2.   (2 pt )   Please write  a 50-75 word (approx) answer to one of your classmate's response.  Open a classmate's response, read and give feedback to the writer.  Hit "reply" button to submit feedback to a classmate's response ( write a word count at end of response )

    Please remember...NO LATE POSTINGS ALLOWED.   Students have multiple days to complete this assignment, so loss of power, loss of internet, and broken technology is NEVER an excuse for missing deadlines.  









    This topic was locked Nov 29 at 11:59pm.
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    Since I am a traditional Chinese, I do not think marriage is outdated. In many Chinese parents' eyes, they still want their adult kids to get married and have kids. It is particularly irritating to the daughter’s parents that the daughter has been with her boyfriend for years and he refuses to tie the knot. 
    I am already married and have a toddler girl with my husband, I always wanted to get married and wanted to have a family of my own ever since I was a little girl. 
    I think divorce isn’t easy especially when you have kids, many people don’t get divorced for the sake of providing a better experience for the kid growing up as a “complete” family. I think when one side cheated, that might trigger the other partner to get a divorce. I think this is such a sensitive topic. My father has pretty bad temper towards my mother (not that he is physical violence) since I was 14 but they never divorced, I still prefer them to stay together rather than me coming from a broken family. I think as my father grow older he realized he doesn’t want to let go of my mother so I think their relationship is improving. I do not wish to have a marriage like my parents because my father was not very nice to my mother for a relatively long period of time. (236 words)

  • Hello, 

    Thank you for sharing! I come from a traditional Chinese family and my parents have the same thought process as well regarding what you said in the first two sentences! I also found what you said at the end interesting and I agree that a child coming from a "broken" family has a lot of disadvantages, so some parents claim that it is for the kid "good" to stay together. However, I want to respectfully argue that broken love is already a broken family, staying together even if you are not in love with the other person is damaging to children as well. I think its not necessarily about all "staying together" because there are great co-parents out there, I think its more about the parenting style that provides a better experience for the child. 

    (136 words) 

  • Hello Nga, 

    Thank you for sharing your family dynamic and thoughts about marriage and divorce. I definitely agree that many people don’t get divorced for the sake of their children. Especially within Asian culture, oftentimes married couples don’t get a divorce because it can negatively affect the family image. Although I understand people who want to stay married for the sake of their children, I’m not sure if that will always produce a happy result. Many of my friends have parents who are not divorced but are constantly fighting with one another, thus creating a distressing environment for them to grow up in. Many of them do not wish to have a marriage like their parents or get into a relationship at all. Hopefully, the view on divorce will change to encourage more parents to consider co-parenting as a viable option.

    Word Count: 141 words

  • Hi Nga,

    I agree with you, Chinese parents will urge you to get married if you do not want to get married after you reach the age. After a couple quarrels, the most common thing to persuade them is to think about children, I think this is a kind of moral kidnapping. A family without love, even if they are together, children will not have a good education.


    • My country has some traditional characteristics like yours. As for parents, they are always afraid of divorce, although there are many reasons because partly they have to take care of their children and do not dare to have a new start. But in the current generation, even if we feel suffocated in our married life and can't progress anymore, I hope we can find a way out for each other because only that can save us. love both later and also of the children. Like you Nga, you think you don't like the marriage like your parents, but they can't get rid of it; they can only live and "suffer." Therefore, each generation has different ideas, but for me, it is still necessary to find a way to relieve both of them when they are too tired.

      Count Words: 137

  • I think marriage is not an "outdated" and unnecessary social concept. Personally, I think marriage solidifies people's relationships and help form families. I also would not have children with anyone that I am not married to, because it symbolizes the long-term commitment in a relationship. But I also think that relationships don't need that label in order to be serious. I would definitely want to get married in my lifetime because I want to be with a special someone that I can spend the rest of my life with, create a family with, and someone that wants the same things as me. In terms of divorce, I think it is too easy right now to get a divorce because the people in the relationship was not truly in love, or ready for the long term commitment. I don't think there's limits to how many people you can divorce, so to some people, its not a big deal. Some good reasons I would consider getting divorced is if my partner cheats on me, or is abusive in any way, or if one of us don't love the other person any more. No matter how much I love a person, it is really important to me that nothing is one-sided in a relationship. That being said, no matter how far I amin a relationship or marriage, if it ever gets toxic or unhealthy even after I or my partner have tried our best to make things work, I will consider divorce.  

    (249 words) 

  • Hi Kelly, we share the same idea on marriage, it definitely solidifies people's relationships and helps form a family! I would not want to have a family with someone if they don't want to get married as I might think they are not committed to a long-term relationship. I know there are many people who have kids and live happily ever after together but since I am a traditional Chinese, I still prefer getting married before having kids. It is true that happy marriage is not one-sided and I think it is harder and harder for people to find the love of their life and live happily ever after as the dating style seems to have changed since we have the apps like Tinder which you can swipe and find someone easily and may not take the relationship too seriously. (140 words)

    • Hi Kelly, 

      I enjoyed reading your post. I definitely agree with you that marriage solidifies peoples relationships and helps form a family. I also agree that I wouldn't want to complicate things by having kids outside of marriage. I agree with you that divorce can be taken lightly nowadays. However, whether or not people were ready for that long term commitment or not, there was a point in time where they were willing to, which is why I think divorce is hard in any situation. (85 words)

  • I do not think that marriage is an “outdated” social concept. While the concept of marriage is not as important in mainstream society as it was in the past, marriage has been so deeply ingrained in my family values that I find it hard to imagine not getting married. Marriage helps create new relationships and/or change our views of current relationships. Getting married to someone changes their label from “boyfriend” or “girlfriend” to “husband” or “wife” which brings upon new responsibilities and expectations. This new role can change how we view the person and how we act towards them. I would like to get married sometime in the future. I also believe that getting a divorce is not easy. The process of getting a divorce can be long, tedious, and expensive. Some couples may not be able to afford to get a divorce, and those who can afford it may not have time to go through all the necessary steps. Additional factors, such as children, can make the process of getting a divorce much more complicated. Yet, sometimes a divorce is necessary when one’s partner is physically and emotionally abusive or if the marriage is unhealthy for both partners and their kids. 

    Word Count: 203 words

  • Hi Trang!
    Thank you for sharing your thought on marriage and divorce. I agree with you with the idea of marriage is not an outdated concept. I believe marriage is an institution where a husband, wife, and children exercise different responsibilities. It is where children learn how to love and respect others and become responsible citizens. I think we also share the idea regarding divorce.

    (Word count - 65)

  • Hi Trang, I like that you mention that not many people can afford to get divorced since getting divorced is quite pricey. This makes it difficult for a lot of women who are in abusive relationships to leave since they might not have the financial means to leave. Additionally, if there are children involved, it can be even harder. 


    word count 59

    • Hi Trang, you have highlighted that the technical process of getting a divorce can be more difficult in some countries. Partners who are financially capable in Jakarta, I realized, have it easier as our laws are not as strict as developed nations. This helps us see divorce as less of a failure of a marriage, and more of freedom. However, it has definitely made it more complicated over who will raise the child. 

      Word count: 73

  • Greetings all!

    I consider marriage an institution. In this institution, two people who have fallen in love with each other have decided to share their lives. Many responsibilities come with being married, both in good and bad times. We must maintain a legal bond with our employer; why should we not maintain a legal bond with the person with whom we intend to share our lives until death? It is possible to live together and have and raise children without getting married. However, there is no legal bond that binds them together. Either person can leave this relationship at any time without filing for divorce in court. I also believe that those who oppose marriage are selfish and unwilling to take responsibility. For me, the Idea of Marriage will never be outdated or unnecessary. Once I find a woman I love, I would love to be married one day. Regarding divorce, I don't encourage people to get divorced. The reason is that, as I mentioned earlier, marriage is an institution, and when this institution fails, many people will be hurt, including children. However, if they don't have a reason to stay together, like one becoming abusive to the other, I would prefer they get a divorce before one harms the other. 

    (Word count - 209)

    • Hi Besrat,

      I agree with you, people who typically deny marriage are selfish and unwilling to take responsibility. Typically when a person argues that they don't want to marry at all, they are trying to deny commitment but at that point what is the point of the relationship? I also add that a relationship in a way is also an institution or contract and that marriage is just the next step beyond.

      72 words

  • I believe marriage is an "outdated" social concept but not unnecessary. Many people will get married for reasons other than wanting to build a family with someone they love. For example, some people get married for financial reasons, because the tax cut for a married couple is better than the tax cut for a single individual. Or another example is that some people may get married for citizenship status. Many benefits could come from marriage outside of just building a traditional family unit. However, I think that feeling pressured to get married to find love is an outdated concept. Getting married is a choice, so everyone has the freedom to make that choice, but if one does not feel the need to get married but is solely feeling pressure from society, then one should not do it. People can be happy now without a marriage forced upon them. I am not sure if I will get married but there definitely has to be more than just love for me to consider marriage. I think with how easy it is now to get divorced, a lot of benefits come. Traditionally, a lot of women are trapped in unhappy marriages or abusive marriages; with the ease that comes with divorce now, I think it can help a lot of females escape an abusive relationship. Some good reasons that I think I would consider divorce are if I were in an abusive relationship or if I just don't like the other person anymore. 

    word count: 251

    Edited by Sophia Zhang on Nov 26 at 9:03am
  • Hi Sophia, 


    I definitely agree on your take that it takes more than love to consider marrying someone. No matter the reason that someone wants to marry, they should have the choice to walk away from it as well. Couples still thrive whether they get married or not. It's just a matter of personal choice and people shouldn't have to feel pressured by society to get married. One's life does not start/end at marriage. 


    word count: 75

    • Hey Sophia, though I disagree with your stance that marriage is an outdated concept, I do agree that marriage is a choice and shouldn't be forced on someone. I also agree that divorce is a necessary mechanism in society to protect people from abusive and dysfunctional relationships. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


      52 words

  • I think marriage is not outdated and unnecessary. However, it depends on each person's perception of it. I still feel that marriage is a symbol of trust, romantic love, and friendship. Even if I am Catholic, until recently, I did not want to get married. I saw how the wrong partner could ruin your life. Thus, I felt it was too permanent as it is difficult to understand someone completely in just several years. I fear that with them, we could tear each other down. However, the chance to love and be loved, tease, challenge, and lift each other up sounds wonderful. I began to see it in a different light and I would like to get married someday. I do believe that getting a divorce now is easier. It is the last resort for me. There is no good or bad reason for a divorce. But perhaps when both partners are unwilling to compromise: they find the smallest way to tear or mock the other, that could be some reasons why I would get a divorce.

    Word count: 177

    • Hey there Maureen, thank you for sharing and I just want to say how much  I can agree with you on your idea on how marriage is not an outdated thing and how it depends on the person perception on the whole concept, and how getting married to the wrong partner could lead to some scary outcomes like divorce or losing the life you worked hard for. -67 words


  • To most, marriage is a sacred thing especially to those who are religious and believe in it and to them it will never be outdated. To some people yes they would say that yes marriage is outdated and unnecessary and that they do not want to sign their life away with this piece of paper. I personally agree with both sides, I would want to say I have a life one day but at the same time this generation that we are in, I do not want to work as hard I am to provide for someone and they divorce me and take half of everything that I worked hard for and they did nothing to earn what I did. I think it is pretty easy to get divorced, and some good reason why I would want to get a divorce is because my partner cheats, lies, or steals from me. -151 words

    • Good afternoon Kwanye, I can agree with you that marriage is a sacred thing because it's looked at as the rest of your life with your partner. Some can imagine how scary it would be to finally pick that person and if they're making the right choice. I can also agree with you on the work that would be put in to a partner or relationship because of this generation and how different things are

      word count78

  • I don't necessarily think everyone should have to get married. It's not a route that everyone wants to take and that's ok too. Marriage is a huge commitment and I think it's okay for a person to divorce. There are plenty of situations that justifies getting a divorce, such as emotional, physical, and financial abuse or even partners that are in a loveless marriage. There's no shame in divorce and people should be able to move on with their lives and start a new chapter. My parents divorced when I was younger. I witnessed the arguments and even on days that I wasn't present in the room, I knew they were fighting. Looking back at it now, I know that it was the right decision for my parents to divorce because being apart helped them grow as individuals. My dad's side and my mom's side get along and still consider each other family. I feel grateful for this outcome as I know not everyone gets the same happy ending.

    That being said, because of what I witnessed growing up, I don't know if I ever want to get married. It's currently not a major goal in my life and if it happens, it'll happen. Divorce is a hassle and I would most likely keep my finances separate. 

    word count: 217

  • Hi Tammy, 

    Thank you for sharing your parents story, it is great to hear and I think it shows that so much love and connections can come from marriage even ones that end in divorce. I agree with you that not everyone has to get married and it is a choice because it is a huge commitment. There should be no shame in getting a divorce because most of the time it is what's best for both people. 

    Word count: 79

  • Hi Tammy, I liked how you wrote about your personal views and explained your parents' story.  I also liked how it affected you and your family in a good way.  I’m happy that everyone on your mom and dad side of the family gets along very well.  I liked how you wrote how it also affects your thoughts on marriage for yourself in the future and knowing what you want in your life because most people do not. (78 words)


    • Hi Tammy, thanks for sharing. I completely agree that there's no shame in divorce, though there are people that still think less of people, especially women, that divorce their partners. When my mom divorced my dad, I know she faced harsh judgment from my dad's side of the family and relatives. But if my parents stayed together, it is likely that they would have a loveless marriage and therefore an even more problematic future together.

      [WC: 75]

  • I personally think that marriage is not outdated because you are forming a family with the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.  I do want to get married in the future but dating and eventually being married in this generation is just so difficult in my opinion.  I think that when two people who like each other start to date each other, they both have their own expectations on each other which eventually once they will be married and will have a lot of new responsibilities.  In marriage, it is so easy and exciting to be with your favorite person in the world.  You both are seeing and doing new activities together.  You are traveling and spending time together and with each other's families.  You notice new things about each other everyday.  But I do think that divorce is easy because of a lack of interest in one another, and different views and opinions than their partners.  Another reason for divorce is abusive relationships.  For me personally I wouldn’t want to have a divorce unless I really need one.  I think for divorce, there is both good and bad for the couple.  (197 words)

    • Hi Lauren,

      I agree with you that the marriage topic with the current generation is difficult to communicate or even be on the same page about marriage. It could be because, with the younger generation, we do have more things to archive and we are not mature enough to marry or even traumatized by other family members' divorce. 

      Thank you for sharing,


      Word counts: 67 words

  • In my opinion, marriage is not an "outdated" or unnecessary social concept. There are many people who fall in love and want to make it public and official. As for younger generations of couples, many do not seek or wish to get married. Personally, I want to get married sometime in the future. Although I want to get married I can understand why many people do not want to anymore. It is hard to stay in a relationship with one person for your whole life because change is inevitable. Statistics show divorce becoming more and more common which is representation of how unsuccessful many marriages are. I think accessibility to divorce is a good thing because I don't think there should be pressure to stay in a relationship that is not working out, or force something that is not meant to be. If I were married, I would consider getting divorced if my husband cheated on me. Anything else like arguing, kids, life goals, morals, I think should be worked out before we get married until i know it would not be an issue. 

    Word count: 185

    • Hi Christine!
      I like how you have rules to what would permit a divorce, because it does feel like so many people get divorces. I also agree with most of what you say but do disagree with change being inevitable so its hard to stay in a relationship. Even though you are an individual you can change and grow as a couple and go through the same changes you wish to experience as an individual, you can experience in a relationship as well.

      word count: 83

  • I believe that marriage is "outdated" for some people, more towards my new generation because of the different view. In my opinion, social media and all of these new things come into play because marriage was so much different back then. When two people were in love and talking about marriage it was on a complete different level from what some marriages are today. I would like to get married in my lifetime but not anytime soon, as I'm 19 I think most people my age go out looking for love and one to marry and try to force themselves into something they aren't really committed to or really want. The more we look around now, divorce happens so much more than before because of the different views as well as society. To me if I'm married and committed as well with a family the only reason I'd consider getting a divorce is if I'm cheated on or if my significant other does something to my children 

    word count 170

    • Thanks for mentioning the difference between marriage in the past and marriage today. I agree that marriage is more outdated for some people today, since overall the U.S. has shifted more to the left (politically). That's marked a shift away from traditional values that emphasized the importance of marriage. Although marriage is not completely obsolete, its purpose and perception in society has changed.

      63 words

  • I do not think marriage is an outdated and unnecessary social concept, but I do believe that some reasonings and social pressures to get married are obsolete. I view marriage as a legal bond between two adults who intend to build a future together, but some view marriage as a “milestone” in life and as the only true way to represent love between partners. This is where the social pressure to become married in some cultures becomes insufferable, as a loving relationship does not require marriage, and marriage does not always require love. I would like to get married at some point in my lifetime, as I intend to build a stable life together with my future partner, and would love to be recognized as partners in legal manners.

    Wherever there’s marriage, easy access to divorce is necessary and could never be “too easy.” I would rather two unhappy married adults choose to split and build their individual paths to happiness than stay together and risk even more dysfunction and harm toward each other. If I were to consider divorce, it would likely be because of abuse or deceit that didn’t become apparent until the later stages of our relationship.

    [WC: 200]

    • Hi Chanelle, 

      I agree with your reasons to get a divorce. I also agree that not all marriages consist of love. Your comment about this made me think of individuals who have arranged marriages. I wonder if they learn to love each other, or if they tolerate each other. I think it is great you have a vision to build a life with a partner! 

      Word Count: 68 

  • Marriage is not an outdated or unnecessary social concept. There are some social benefits to being married, such as inheritance rights and property rights, and many people consider marriage consequential. As long as people’s attitudes and society’s laws view marriage as important, marriage will not be outdated or unnecessary. 

    I do want to get married in my lifetime. To me, it is an important symbol of union and commitment. The rings also act as a status symbol that communicates one’s “unavailable” status, making it easier to navigate social situations. 

    I think divorce is justified in some cases, such as if it’s an abusive relationship. I don’t think it’s “too easy” to get a divorce either. People should have the right to choose whether divorce is the right thing to do in their situation, so I think that option should be readily available. However, I can see how some might think this is harmful. Making divorce too accessible could cause people to choose divorce instead of working to improve their relationship. 


    170 words

  • I agree with the benefits of being married and the statuses it brings as well. I believe that having the partner on your property or asset’s gives confidence of sharing those responsibilities with each other brings about the value of your relationship of both partners share each other’s wealth. I agree with the statements made in your divorce category because divorces can be messy and brutal for both people depending on the situation.
  • Hi Amanda, 

    I completely agree with you, I didn't even really consider the physical benefits of marriage. When I think of marriage, the only thing that comes across me is that those people love each other and want to be with each other for the rest of their lives. Obviously, no relationship is that perfect so there are bound to be mistakes but I agree that divorces should not be too easy to get. Some people might call it quits too early without trying to fix their issues.


    W/C: 91

  • I agree when i was writing response i wasn’t thinking about the physical and financial benefits you can get from marriage, but it’s absolutely true and plays a huge role. I think it’s hard to get into a modern day relationship though because of our new social norms relationships have become and seen as something different now a days then they use to, but creating that solid base ad structure with a person is really what’s important. -77 words
    • Hi Amanda,

      I agree with you that marriage is not an outdated or unnecessary social concept, but I didn't even think of the social benefits that could apply, such as inheritance and property rights, as you mentioned. I also agree with you on having divorces accessible to those who wish to choose that path, but I also see what you mean when you say that some people might abuse this accessibility.

      Word Count: 73

  • I believe marriage is the signature point of a relationship, this shows that the loyalty and vows both parties plead is being put to the test and shows authentic and genuine love. I believe marriage is not outdated and it gives confidence as a man knowing that your partner is for you and you only. Marriage is definitely better than some relationships going on today. I plan on getting married sometime in my life and being a father as well, but time will tell. I believe it is easier to get a divorce now because marriage isn’t valued as highly and the younger generation don’t care about feelings or love and are afraid of commitment. I was raised with old school parents who showed me genuine love and how a relationship is supposed to work and operate. I would consider getting a divorce if my wife cheated on me or if I had inconceivable differences.

    • I agree with the first statement you made of both parties being put to a test within a marriage, I think it involves a lot of effort and love but I also think that marriage is suppose to be with a very special someone and isn't like any normal relationship. So only get married to someone special. 

      word count: 57

  • Growing up in a religious household, I was always reminded I needed to be married before I had children. I believe marriage is a life-long commitment that is not as simple as "breaking up." Lawyers can get involved, a custody battle may occur, assets may be lost, divorce is not clear cut. I believe that marriage should be a goal in life, however,  I also understand that people change and that itself has potential to lead to divorce. I think that people are so quick to put an end to marriage because they do not want to work on the problems that lie within the relationship. For me, I think that marriage is something every young girl dreams of, but it is imperative you know the person before you take the leap. Personally, I must know that he is dedicated to his work almost as much as he is to his family. I also believe that some individuals get married too young; they have not had time to experiment and that is a cause for divorce. I would get a divorce if infidelity, addiction or gambling occurred. If you love someone you would not do something that would hurt your spouse. I am sure arguments would happen and it would not be tolerated because I would not want my child hearing the chaos. In my opinion trust is key to a relationship, if there is not trust then there should not be a relationship. 

    Word Count: 247

  • Hi Liyah, 

    I like the concepts you touch on about how you would dream of marriage as a kid and that you considered it a goal. I think this leads to a very important idea about marriage in the modern day. The fact is we see marriage all around us in idealized states (I'm not saying you have an idealize state due to the dream of wanting marriage) with social media and celebrity marriages being highly publicized. Relationships and love itself is highly romanticized in the media leading some to have unhealthy expectations. Thus when people dream of marriage/love many can walk into things with unrealistic expectations and like you say then they don't want to work on the problems and come to a divorce. 

    126 Words

    • Hey Liyah,

      I definitely agree that marriage and divorce are far more complicated than people typically think. I believe that people need to put more thought into their decision of marriage or divorce and that they need to weigh the odds and benefits of both. I don't agree with your stance however that marriage should be a life goal and that some people can be happy by themselves or without marriage.


      Word count 71

  • I in no way see marriage as outdated and unnecessary. I feel like a lot of the uses for marriage have become outdated and unnecessary but the concept itself is something that I don't ever see going away unless humanity loses the capacity for emotion. I say this as a person who has a penitent for romance but to me marriage at its core will always be about the bond between two people. While there will always be other motives (which isn't necessarily always negative) this is all secondary to the idea of marriage I hold. The idea of marriage has rapidly evolved with culture however, with divorce rates on the rise it is a valid question to ask about the validity of marriage. What cultural changes are being put into place that is making marriage possibly seem outdated is the question to ask. This could have to do with the fact that it is much easier now of days to get a divorce then it was say 100 years ago. Although I feel like this plays a part if anything I think the fact that the more outdated ideas about marriage is what's causing divorce rates to rise. This doesn't mean that marriage itself is flawed but rather it was being held up to a different standard based on different ideals about marriage. Such as the shift of thinking marriage is something that can't really be undone to now divorce being socially accepted. I don't believe that people or marriage have fundamentally changed but rather now people have more freedom over their actions around marriage which doesn't mean marriage is outdated but the people have changed their ideals around it. 

    281 Words

  • I come from a very traditional family therefore my way of thinking is also very traditional. I don't think marriage is an outdated social concept. So many parents no matter what culture they belong to want to see their children get married and have kids. And same with kids of our generation want to find true love and get married. I also would like to get married someday and have children of my own. 

    I'm not sure if divorce is easy to get but I do believe that couples nowadays do divorce easily. I don't think there is any will left in them to compromise and work things out between themselves. I think couples get married and believe it was a mistake, however there are some right reasons to get a divorce. For example, in the Indian community domestic abuse is a huge issue, another which I can think of it if your partner is contributing to the marriage financially.

    word count: 160

    • Hi Jaspreet,

      I also come from a traditional family and my view of marriage is similar to yours. I come from a family with divorced parents, however, and I know from experience that divorces aren't always easy. I think a divorce depends on the communication of the two in the marriage and whether or not they can agree on things. It makes it a very long and costly process when they need to got to court and argue on certain aspects. 

      Word Count: 81

  • Marriage is something that our parents will pay attention to when we reach a certain age, and if we do not care, our parents will urge us. I do not think marriage is outdated or unnecessary. Although many people now think that I can live well even if I am alone, and it is popular to advocate the idea of promoting women's independence, but independence does not mean being single. I think people are social animals, and marriage is a kind of companionship and a sense of security. I do not think divorce is easy, especially for families with children, many parents will advise against divorce and let them think more about their children, this is virtually a moral kidnapping, and there will be a divorce cooling-off period before the divorce. If I am married, I will get a divorce because my husband is cheating or domestic violence, these two things are absolutely unforgivable, and if my husband only thinks about himself, I will think about divorce too.


    • Hello Yuqing,

      It is interesting how you brought up the parents role in a marriage. Parents from more traditional cultures definitely play a larger role in the marriage and can influence many decisions that are many which is what I learned about many asian cultures. Fulfilling parents wishes while also being married is probable very hard and I’m sure it stresses many couples out. Do you ever feel pressured by your parents already about marriage? (75 words)

  • I do not think that marriage is an "outdated" and unnecessary social concept. For most people, marriage symbolizes love, trust, and want to build a future with their loved ones. As I grew up in a traditional household, my parent's generation thought that marriage was necessary because they felt that marriage would help people to settle down in terms of emotional support. Although the concept of marriage in my generation has changed, we think that marriage is essential but not the most urgent thing since we have other things to take care of nowadays. It would be great if you could meet and marry your soulmates. However, if the relationship turns out to be toxic and might end up in divorce, both parties will be emotional damage. Not including if they have children, it might be a traumatizing experience for the kids. But also financially because according to California State law, the assets will need to be divided in half for both parties, even if the assets belong to either the husband or wife. 

    Word counts: 174 words


  • I personally don't believe that marriage is "outdated" or unnecessary as a social concept. It brings a routine, stability, and sets a foundation for your family as you are expected to be in marriage forever. There's no other person you can rely on more than the person you decide to marry. As for me, I definitely want to get married in my future lifetime, most likely when I'm financially and mentally prepared to start a family. When contemplating marriage though, the need for a divorce will always be something on my mind. No two people can be completely perfect and know exactly what the other desires, so divorce's are an option for unstable relationships. In my opinion, divorce should be any couples last option to resort to, as it is a time consuming, mentally draining, and financially draining process. Things like lack of trust and communication, or differences in interests could cause people to separate, sometime even splitting families. I do think it is a drastic choice to split a family into two with a divorce, forcing your child or children to cope with your personal issues. Marriage is a very important decision that can make or break a persons life, and I think being patient and considering all factors such as divorce when being married can only be beneficial. 

    word count: 220

    Edited by Arnav Kumar on Nov 29 at 12:41pm
  • I do not believe marriage is an outdated concept. I was a child when I first watched my parents divorce, and I saw the firsthand experience of what a single-parent household is like. My parents were simply not compatible as partners, however, I feel as if though they were compatible I would have had a much easier time as a child. I feel as if marriage is simply a commitment to a partner to continue to build a life together. I feel as if though if people are not ready for such a commitment, then marriage should not be considered. I do want to get married in my lifetime and have that level of commitment with someone. I think marriage is beautiful if done correctly, and that couples should try to sit down and communicate prior to a divorce. Sometimes, divorce is necessary and if your partner is abusive or simply just isn't compatible as a life partner it should be considered. I do think that people have a tendency to jump to divorce at the first conflict, however, feel as if it isn't too easy to get a divorce.


    191 Words

  • I do not think that marriage is an outdated concept. I think it's good to put a title on a relationship to establish that people are together and that makes true love "official". Personally, I would like to get married sometime in the future. I would say that I am a particularly picky person so I am excited for when I meet the right woman for me, and then marriage would be something to look forward to. It also comes with vows and promises and since it is such a big decision, it forces couples to talk about their future together before actually calling it official. I think it is getting easier to get a divorce nowadays, even though in my Catholic family, I know divorce is a controversial subject. I think the only big thing that would make me consider divorce is adultery because if my partner cheats on me, I would lose all respect and love I had for them. Other than that, I think the little issues should be solved in a marriage. 


    W/C - 177

  • I do not think that marriage is an "outdated" or unnecessary social concept. Getting marriage is the norm and expectation in my family. There is importance to getting married because you are expected to be with that person for eternity in my religious beliefs, with exceptions to getting a divorce when decided that's needed. I want to get married in the future because I feel that creates a more committed relationship and that greater commitment is what I want for starting a family. I don't think that divorce is too easy now. In fact, it is a very long and expensive process typically because many don't see eye-to-eye. My parents got a divorce when I was 4 years old, but my parents fought over custody in court which took a long time, was emotionally draining, and costly. If I were married I would consider getting a divorce if my spouse was ever abusive to me or my/our children, if he cheated, or if he truly makes me unhappy. Marriage is very complicated and only the two people who are in the relationship will truly understand it. 

    Word Count: 187


  • Hi Natalie,

    I agree with you on how draining the custody case could be. I think it is so disappointing that sometimes a couple forget that their first responsibility as parents is taking care of their child, physically or emotionally. This means they have to overcome their rage, anger or pride and think of the best way to get divorced without hurting the children more. This is one of the times that people need a counselor to teach them how to get a healthy divorce. (85 words)

  • Hey Natalie, 

    My parents are also divorced and it was a lengthy and costly process for sure especially the custody battle and they still argue to this day over my younger siblings. I think that it could be harder though by implementing more counseling activities for couples to do before they are qualified for a divorce. 

    Word Count : 56 

    • Hi Natalie! You and I said the same thing about why we would get divorced and it honestly makes me happy to see others think the same. In my family divorce is seen as something that shouldn't be done at all because "that's your husband, that's your wife" and back then people would stay together no matter what because they were scared about what people think. I think that's pretty dumb, in my opinion, your mental health, safety, and the safety of your children should always come first. 

      word count: 88

  • Personally I don’t  think that marriage is an out dated or unnecessary  social concept, but i do think the whole modern dating and marriage system is messed and and has a different meaning than what it use to. I think a lot of modern day relationships have forgotten the most important reason why dating is a thing, dating is suppose to be really understudying your parented on a emotional level and it’s almost like a test to see if you’d be compatible with this person for the rest of your life. Now a days dating is more for social status and for guilty pleasures and instead of making that strong base and connection with your significant other the second you run into an obstacle you both want out, while if you had the strong base and real connection you’d be able to work things out. Obviously a lot of things add into this like our new modern day social norms, but personally i do see this as the reason for more divorces or inconsistent relationships. As for myself I do plan on getting married and settling down the line once i find my person and create that strong enough base and connection to give us the fighting chance at being with each other forever because that’s how marriage is suppose to go. -222 words
  • Although living together as partners and even having kids together without marriage, has been normalized these days, but I still believe in a good marriage. 

    I emphasize on a "good" marriage, the one that you can rely on each other and be sure that there is always someone to take your hand and gives you a shoulder to cry on. The one that you love and respect each other and care for the other person's physical and mental health. The one that you care about each other's goals, you help each other to be successful in your career. The kind of marriage that you are in it just because you want it. I definitely want a marriage like this. I like t be committed to one special person however, I totally accept the lifestyle of living together without marriage because at the end, marriage is just a contract. A contract which is supposed to take care of both side's rights, mainly financial issues. So, what makes it sentimental and passionate is that love and respect that should be there.

    I believe sometimes divorce is the only solution. Of course, no one gets married to get divorce but sometimes you try other ways to fix the problem but still you fail. It is not easy to continue the marriage when there are issues like addiction or violence and there is no hope to fix them. In addition, sometimes the couple  have lost their love and affection toward each other and there is already an emotional divorce has happened. I believe raising a child in a friendly and safe home is more important than raising him/her with both parents in a house. If the divorce happens in a healthy way, the child can still gets the love and attention from both sides and don't get involved in their quarrels and fights. (310 words)


    • Hello Maryam,

      I like how you mentioned raising a child in a safe home becomes the biggest priority in marriages. A lot of the time people seem to insinuate that single or divorced parents bring up lost and troubled children, but a lot of the time unhappy marriages are what create bad environments for kids.

      (55 words) 

  • I personally do not think marriage is outdated. I think marriage is truly a beautiful thing. It is a lifelong commitment to one person and to be able to say that you are willing to spend the rest of your life with someone on an alter in front of all your family and friends and live that out is something I hope to do one day. I think finding someone who is basically your partner through life and quite frankly your best friend is something that should be cherished and is something I look forward to doing one day. I do not think getting a divorce is easy, especially when kids are involved. I think divorce is difficult all in itself because both people in the marriage made promises to each other that now have to be broken. Being someone with divorced parents, I can say from first hand experience, divorce is very hard for the children whether or not the divorce way messy. I think there are very few reasons I would get a divorce just because I know the husband I choose for myself will not be taken lightly. I think disloyalty would be one of the main reasons why I would ever get a divorce. 

    word count: 208 

  • Hi Aliyah, I have a similar views on marriage. I think it is a beautiful thing too. It is a good thing when you are having a family with your husband or wife and finally with the kids maybe. I think divorce is hard especially a family had children because they might have a hard childhood. 



    Word Count :59

  • Hi Aliyah, I agree with you. Marriage is a beautiful things, form a new family with the partner. Spending rest if the lifetime with the one you love, which is a  really sweet and beautiful things to do. Divorce is very easy in my opinion, but its hard for couples to said divorce as its the worst case scenario.

    Word Count :59

    • Greetings Aliyah!

      I agree that marriage is not an outdated concept and commiting to your partner infront of your friends and family is one of the most cherished memories one can have. I think that divorce is an easy decision to arrive for most people, we as a society don't marriage to the same regard that we once did.

      Word Count: 59

  • Personally I do not think marriage is "outdated or unnecessary. I feel like marriage is a way of showing to not only your significant other but the people around you that you are in a committed relationship and that you found someone who makes you happy. Being married also brings a sense of permanent structure to your relationship and provides outlooks to start a family. That way that you don't start a family with someone and them want no part in it, marriage is like the first step in showing that a person wants a family with you. Personally I would love to get married I always have wanted to get married and have been obsessed with planning and having a wedding as well as being with the person I want to be with for the rest of my life. Being in a stable and committed relationship currently I'm ready to take that next step. When it comes down to the divorce aspect I do think it is way to easy to get a divorce and that there should be other things that as a married couple you must do legally before even considering the divorce option. Lots of couples get a divorce then end up right in the same boat back with each other. With other systems in place we can reduce the amount of divorces that happen each year. I would never consider getting a divorce for the sole purpose that I would never marry anyone in the first place that had bad signs from the start and in my relationship its a rule that in our case we don't even talk about breaking up and that breaking up is not an option and as a couple we have to work together as a team to solve our issues. 

    Word Count 301

  • I agree 100% that marriage brings a permanently structure to the relationship. Once you get there it is time to keep making the relationship stronger and stronger. You’re now probably looking to start a new life together such as getting a house, maybe getting kids and building a new foundation for a family. 

    Word count: 53
    • Hey zoey thank you for your feedback and thoughts I  totally agree on what u said about marriage it helps us understand and brings out the innermost personality of a person and it builds a great bond with one another which is necessary in order to truly understand yourself as a person too !!

  •  I don’t think marriage is outdated or unnecessary. I'm sure there are people who don’t see it that way but that could just mean they're not interested in it and I see no problem with that.  In my lifetime I would like to get married but I am in no rush at all nor do I see it as a priority yet since marriage to me seems like settling down and focusing on starting a family. Yes, it sounds nice but I feel like I have a lot of things I’d like to accomplish first as well as be the most financially stable that I could be to make sure my kids are well-taken care of enough. When it comes to divorce I actually don’t think it’s easy enough to get it done. I understand that the government is involved and there are papers that need to be processed but I feel like so many people are forced to stay in touch with someone who is way too damaging and bad for them and in those situations, I think there should be something you can do to speed up the process. One big reason why I would get a divorce would be if my partner is abusive toward our kids. Another would be if they decide to cheat after we already built a life together.

    word count: 225 

  • I don't think marriage is outdated. Also I think marriage is kind of necessary if you really love your boyfriend or girlfriend and commit something finally with he or she. Marriage also gives us a legal status and make it official. I don't think divorced is easy as well. Getting divorced must be tough and it is a worst situation in a relationship. Also, I think it is not easy to divorce especially when you have children. Most of the parents will try their best taking responsibility to their kids and provide the kids have a good childhood even though the parents have a bad relationship themselves. If I got married, I will not divorce easily even we have a huge argument and I will try hard to maintain the relationship between my partner and myself. Unless my partner cheated on me. It is totally unforgivable and I will not tolerate her.  

    Word Count (153)

    • I think our responses are somewhat the same, but you bring up an interesting point that I didn't think about before. Marriage for legal status is something that I have barely ever heard or talked about. From where I grew up, this kind of relationship is thought to be a rarity, so I grew up believing in only marriage because of love; as such, I said it's not necessary (you don't need to have love to live) but now I understand that marriage is somewhat necessary in other ways, like legal status or citizenship. (94 words)

  • I think that marriage is not an outdated social concept. It won't be outdate now and it won't be outdated till we die. Marriage is a traditional concept that one men and one woman will be partnered and form a family, it not only will help produce our next generation, it will also enhance relationship between one and other. I want to get marry and form a family with the one I love. Although marriage is a long term relationship, but the divorcement rate have been increasing over the past few years, in my opinion it is too easy to divorce nowadays, although getting divorce is very easy in my opinion, but its hard for couples to said divorce as its the worst case senario. If there are any type of chances of me and my future husband getting divorce, it will be him having another woman in our relationship. I will choose to divorce because he betray me and was not serious about the marriage. (166 words)

    •  Hi Yuki ,

           I agree with your point of view, marriage is a long-term relationship and big commitment. In my opinion trust and mutual understanding are important for marriage. Having affair is unacceptable if I were in that situation I don't want to continue with cheating relationship. Another thing if I were facing marital abuse I will rather choose for divorce.(55words)

      Edited by Phyu Phyu Thant on Nov 29 at 9:43pm
  • I personally believe marriage is not "necessary", however it depends on the individual. In my lifetime I hope to be married one day to someone that I love. In my eyes I don't need to be married to someone, but the act of marriage solidifies social roles and gives a status that I hope to have one day. Marriage to me is signing up to be loyal and plan to be with your significant other for the rest of your lives. This brings divorce into the mix; I understand why the concept of divorces exist and why they happen, however after being a child of a separated family I have a personal vendetta against it and wouldn't want my child or partner to experience what my mother and I experienced. That's why marriage to me is such a treasure because I really want to be sure for my own sake and my future families sake that I love who I am marrying and that it would bring happiness as it should.

    word count: 171

    Edited by Edi Pelesic on Nov 29 at 9:26pm
  • I don't think that marriage is an unnecessary social concept. Marriage is somewhat like a contract that binds two beings together. It gets rid of a lot of uncertainty that comes with a relationship. It is also very widespread traditionally and getting rid of it wouldn't really benefit many. The only people that may benefit are those who commonly agree to not hold a wedding to save money or for some reason like that, but even then they can still become husband and wife. I want to get married in the future but believe I am too young at the moment.

    Divorce is an extremely touchy subject, it is a blurry line of whether it is good or bad and it typically depends on the scenario. Many people are irresponsible and unmatured enough and might proceed too fast to bind themselves with marriage. But vice versa some people aren't mature enough to sort out their problems and end up divorcing marriage from an argument that can be solved. It is all just situational and depends on the people involved. I believe that there can be some solutions to this though, as making divorce harder in some instances this way it pressures people to think about their decision to marry in the first place. Obviously, there should be some areas that allow you to instantly break up such as physical abuse.

    230 words

  •             I do not think marriage is outdated and unnecessary social concept. It is not easy to get marry because marriage is big part of commitment. Although most parents want their adult kids to get married. Getting married to someone changes another version of relationship which is entitle for getting more responsibility and more commitment to each other. My previous relationship was not going well because of cheating. Cheating lead to broken relation.I don’t not want to continue the failed or broken relationship. I would like to get married in the future with the person who is really love me understand on me. I don't want to get divorce after getting married . In my point of view getting divorce is not good because it affects the emotion of both parties. My cousin brother he has three children he was divorce with his wife few years ago. The divorce impact on their children emotion, it is the most painful part for the kids and his wife. If someone was facing marital abuse, I strongly agree to file for divorce.  (184words)

    Edited by Phyu Phyu Thant on Nov 29 at 9:34pm
  • To me, I feel like marriage isn’t quite necessary in our society now a days, but it still is a way to show how you wanna spend the rest of your life with someone special and would like to celebrate that. It up to everyone if they would like to get married or not though since it is just a piece of paper. On the other hand, I still want to get married to the person I love. It to me is something sentimental. 

    When it comes to divorce, I feel like it’s hard because it is a long process with paperwork and possession on things such as, house, car, money and kids. Yet, if marriage really doesn’t work out for couples then, I feel it is best to get a divorce. There are many reasons why married couples could get a divorce such as money issues, trust, or even toxicity within the relationship. If I were to get one, the reason would probably be trust. If there is no trust then there’s no point, because it is very hard to regain trust. 

    Word count: 183

    • Hi Jennifer, I agree that while marriage is not completely necessary anymore, it is still something that is nice to have. Having that choice to marry or to not grants a lot of freedom to people, especially since marriage doesn’t serve much but to solidify a relationship between two families. I also agree in how it does seem like a tedious process to get a divorce since all these paperwork must be filed, but it is absolutely worth it when something as vital as trust is missing.


      Word Count: 87

  • I do believe the idea of marriage is slightly outdated. Here in this country, I slowly believe it is becoming a symbol of financial bonding as many there are many legal aspects to marriage when it comes to finances and even children. Traditionally marriage was a sign of true matrimony and symbol of man gaining the responsibility to raise children and provide for the household. As gender roles are slowly switching these traditions roles are not viewed the same. I am not sure if it it too “easy” to get a divorce now, but I know that divorce seems to be viewed as heavily by society as it once was. I feel that before when someone got a divorce it was a very big deal and couples took those decisions with heavy hearts. These days social media leads to divorces happening  only months in to marriages which is absolutely awful to see. (152 words)

  • I don’t particularly think marriage is an outdated concept since it is simply a formal bond between two people to make a family. I think as long as there continues to be the social concept of a family, there will continue to be marriage as it simply acts as a method to join two families together. The traditions and practices of marriage would of course change over time, but at its core, I think it will remain timeless.

    I do think I would want to be married in my lifetime since it would mean that I have a strong and dependable partner hopefully. Though considering divorce, since it is fairly easy nowadays to get one compared to decades ago, I would have to choose my partner carefully. Though sometimes people can divorce for reasons that are completely valid during marriage. Infidelity probably being the top most reason for a divorce and being in an abusive relationship as well. Divorce should be made as easy as possible in this case since the marriage actively harms one of the people in it.


    Word Count: 180

  • I do not believe that marriage is an outdated and unnecessary social concept, as there are plenty of people who are still getting married, showing that it is something a large amount of people care about. It also seems to be a way to solidify a romantic bond between two people. I personally do not plan on getting married any time soon, as it is not something I'm interested in, nor is it a priority of any sort. Regarding divorces, I do not know how easy it is get a divorce, but I don't think it is a bad think for it to be easy. If something happened that has made one of the people in the relationship so upset that they would want a divorce, I think it is probably best for divorcing to be easy because I think both people will have a bad time if they have to endure each other for a prolonged period of time. In my opinion, good reasons to divorce someone is when they have broken the other person's trust, when they have used them, etc.

    Word Count: 185

  • I believe that marriage is absolutely not outdated and I believe that it is necessary in order to find your other half and I feel like humans are socials beings and being intimate and social with another significant other is truly needed for a person. In the future I would definitely like to marry someone I truly care for and have a family of my own one day I also feel like getting divorced is a down side of marriage it to my takes one  person  to agree on getting divorced and while marriage takes two people to agree on their future. It’s easy to give up on someone but it’s hard to communicate and have the commitment to someone who you truly adore and care for so to avoid any complications in the future both people must truly love one another and slo have the commitment to go through with all the problems that arises together 

    Wc :155
  • I do not see marriage as an out dated concept. I grew up with parents going through a divorce, and most of my family did not believe in traditional marriage. I think marriage is a beautiful concept that shows two people committed to going through life together, with all the ups and downs, a more officiated step rather than just girlfriend or boyfriend. I used to not think about marriage until I got into a long term relationship, now the idea of creating a stable life with someone has become more appealing to more. Speaking in legal terms I do not think divorcing someone is as easy as marrying them. Marriage is one paper, whereas divorcing someone is multiple steps that can become costly. Divorcing someone also takes a bigger emotional toll, you lose not only someone you saw as a life partner but all the family you gained through them too. I would get divorced over infidelity or if my parter and I are no longer meeting eye to eye, I think marriage is about willing to work through your hardships so if I seem to no longer care to work for my partner, it would be time to divorce them. 
    (202 words)

  • I personally do not believe that marriage is an outdated concept. While I don't believe it is necessary for two people to marry, I do believe in it being one of the highest acts of love that you can share with your significant other. Growing up, marriage was always and end goal to any relationship I had established. Now being married myself, choosing to commit and marry my wife is one of the best decisions I have made. With that being said, marriage is not for everyone, Some might see it as financial burden or others might fear that it will only end in divorce. In today's society, divorce is a decision that most people arrive at too easily. Our society does not hold the same values that it once held in regards to marriage and divorce not being an option.

    I would consider getting a divorce if there were extramarital affairs or if my partner and I came to the conclusion that we were incompatible and grew apart.


    Word Count: 169

  • Hi Juan, similarly I grew up with the idea that marriage was always the end goal for me. I never viewed marriage as a negative thing. With that being said, I think it was important that you pointed out what marriage means in today's day and age. I think people are a lot more hesitant to get married because of the financial aspect and the younger generation value being independent first before getting married. (74 words)

    • Word Count: 73

      Hi Juan,
      I totally agree with you about marriage being your end goal as it is also my end goal in my life. I agree with you about a lot of people not being able to go through with marriage because they are not financially stable and marriage is extremely expensive. The ceremony and certification can be extremely expensive and not everybody has the family and friends to have an ideal like ceremony. 
  • I do not think that marriage is an "outdated" and unnecessary social concept because it is a way to solidifies one marriage. I think marriage is just an addition to a relationship and shouldn't really change things. I don't think two people should get married if their relationship isn't as strong enough as before. I think marriage is just the extra thing that seals the deal and shouldn't be part of an issue in a relationship. I do want to get married in my lifetime even as a product of a failed marriage. I think this is because I still do believe that there is a right person for everyone. Some good reasons that I would consider getting divorced if I was married would be if I didn't love the person anymore, if my partner cheated on me, and if they were abusive. If I was harmed in any way mentally or physically I would leave. If I were to fall out of love I don't think it would be fair to my partner to stay in the marriage. (179 words)

  • Marriage is still a new beginning to a beautiful love story. Because only marriage can prove their love has been complete, and they no longer worry about any other issues; just focusing on marriage and family can be built. a happy family. And myself, of course, I would want to marry the person I love at the most reasonable time. In each of us, when we fall in love and are loved by the person we think we can spend the rest of our lives with, the thing that wants the complete ending in love is marriage, and this is a testament to the fact that good spirits and sacrifices, the consensus of two people who love each other and a new future after becoming husband and wife. When it comes to divorce, I would say that divorce is easy now, some people get married because they are pregnant, and some couples get married when they love each other for a short time, don't understand enough, and are preparing for a future marriage. And there are billions of different reasons, from small to large, that lead to divorce without proper thought. If I put myself in a situation where my marriage is on the verge of divorce, I will re-evaluate all aspects that I am, from my spouse, children (if any), and my behaviors. and the husband's treatment, and many other things, I always wanted to find at least one reason to save the marriage. And if in the case that the marriage can no longer be saved, I will choose to free both of them when it is not suitable so that I can find a new path for myself.

    Count words: 281

  • I don’t think marriage is out outdated; if you’re single, you can still have children and/or a happy life. It is fallacious to presume that marriage is a necessary social institution that provides stability for people. There are so many children and significant others who are traumatized by this concept, so while marriage is not outdated in the sense that people can still get married if they want, it’s definitely not viewed as necessary anymore. Personally, I do want to get married in this lifetime, because my parents and others around me (fiction/nonfiction) have expressed quite healthy relationships and growing up with such an environment, I want to replicate it. When it comes to divorce, I don’t think it’s too easy to get a divorce; I think the way it is right now is good in terms of complexity—not to simple in the sense that you can divorce someone the day after you marry them but not to difficult that it prevents people from divorcing because of the process.  If someone cheated on me and grew to conflicting values (and it became difficult to communicate), I would consider a divorce. (193 words)

    Edited by Helen Tian on Nov 29 at 11:51pm
  • Word Count: 167

    Marriage is not outdated and is a necessary social concept. I believe it sets boundaries and defines your relationship. Most people genuinely believe your relationship is not set in stone and official until someone proposes and gets married. I feel like if I was dating someone for a super long time I would feel constantly on edge knowing it can end at any time and circumstance. Of course if you are married you can still get divorced and break up and it is not guaranteed you will stay together forever. When you get married it is a promise like deal where you express and commit to each other forever. I think when it comes to divorce it is very difficult as it is extremely expensive and a great amount of people can unfortunately not afford it. You also have to contact the government and a bunch of not so easy steps. It takes a lot of time and effort that goes into getting a divorce with someone. 

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