Saturday, November 19, 2022

Juvenile Delinquency Test 1


1. as immature and in need of help
2. cannot control themselves
3. easily led astray by others
4. did not know what they were doing was wrong
5. lack experience at decision making, brains still developing
a. pleasure and sensations develop rapidly for adolescence while behavior control and cognition lags behind
1. set up not to punish juveniles but rather to guide and help them (function as super parent; uplift, reform, develop, and make them worthy citizens)
2. focuses more on offender than offense (focus on the entire individual and focus on problem within the child's environment rather than focus on punishment on crime)
3. more informal and less adversarial than adult court (little to no due process rights, given more rights in recent years)
4. terminology (not found guilty but adjudicated a "delinquent" or Person in Need of Supervision (for status offenses) and given disposition instead of sentence)
5. closed to the public and media to protect from publicity and stigma (can seal or erase record if they stay out of trouble)
6. differences in sentences given out by courts( juveniles can't be confined past 21st birthday with exception of serious crimes)

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