Saturday, November 19, 2022

chegg quizz

This early prison system allowed inmates to working groups under close supervision with limited opportunities to socialize
Pennsylvania system
Emphasized solitary confinement, penitence, and the development of a strong work ethic.
Early punishments
Transportation- moving those who await trial.
Gallery slave- a convicted criminal sentenced to row the boat.
Hulks- old sailing ships used to hold prisoners.
This individual argued punishments are a form of social control
Jeremy Bentham
An English reformer who developed a utilitarian approach to crime and punishment.
Cesare Baccaria
Argued the only justification for punishment is utility, the safety affords society by preventing crime.
____Argued prison should be run in para military fashion, with struck it here in Stu official rules, regulations, and policies
John dilulio
Who proposed the inmate balance theory?
Gresham Sykes
Charles Logan
Believes that the mission of prisons is confinement and that the basic purpose of imprisonment is to punish offenders fairly through terms of confinement proportionate to the seriousness of their crimes.
John Irwin and inmate adaptive roles
Can classify inmates into doing time, jailing, (those who cut themselves off of outside life and try to construct a life within prison) gleaning, (take advantage of prison programs and try to better themselves for after release) and disorganized crime ( inmates who can't develop any of the 3 roles)
Alexander Maconochie
Urged England to use the Mark system (assessed a certain number of points at the time of sentencing based on the severity of their crime)
Walter crofton
Though that an offenders progress In prison and a ticket of leave were linked.
Types of pretrial release
Bail (amount of money specified by a judge)
Bondsman (an independent businessman who provides bail money for a fee)
Release on recognizance (release because judge believes that defendants ties in the community are sufficient to defense the to appear in court)
Day reporting center (where offenders attend daylong intervention sessions)
Solutions to overcrowding
1.) increase the availability of release options etc.. ROR and supervised release
2.) speed up trials
Evidence based supervision
Focus the program on high risk probationers
Provide greater levels of supervision to higher risk client
Provide treatment
Make referrals to treatment programs
Inmate balance theory
Theory that states for a prison system to operate effectively officials must tolerate minor infractions, relax security measures, and allow inmate leaders to keep order.
Deprivation theory
Theory that's associated with long term imprisonment where the thief and straight subcultures are imported into prison.
Administrate control theory
States that prison disorder results from unstable, divided, or otherwise weak management.
Types of compliance powers
Remunerative- ability to obtain compliance in exchange for material resources.
Normative- ability to obtain compliance by manipulating symbolic rewards.
Coercive- ability to obtain compliance by threat or physical force.
Chain of command
Unity of command
Chain of command
Span of control
Boundary violations
Boundary violation is harmful to the patient and the therapy.
Confinement model
Has five goals:
1)Keep them in
2)Keep them safe
3)Keep them in line
4)Keep them healthy
5)Keep them busy

What are the four factors that make governing prisons different from in ministering other public institutions
defects of total power,
limited rewards and punishments, cooperation (exchange relationships), inmate leadership
Concepts of parole
Releasing inmates when their contact showed that they were ready to return to society
Tickets of leave
A form of conditional release
common forms of prison release
Discretionary release- parole board within the boundaries set by the sentence in the penal law.
Mandatory release- occurs after an inmate has served time equal to the total sentence minus "good time"
Expiration release- release of an inmate from incarceration without any further correctional supervision
More forms of prison release
Probation release-release of an inmate from incarceration to probation supervision
Reinstatement release- release of offenders to parole supervision following a time in prison for parole violation
4 harsh realities of after prison
The strangeness of reentry
Continued correctional supervision
Unmet personal needs
Barriers to success
4 foundations of correctional law
Case law
Hands off policy
A judicial policy of non-interference concerning the internal administration of prisons
Johnson v. Avery
A Tennessee inmate was disciplined for violating a regulation prohibiting one inmate from assisting another with legal matters
Totality of conditions of confinement
The aggregate of circumstances in a correctional facility that when considered as a whole may violate the protections guaranteed by the eighth amendment
Ruiz v Estell
The court order the Texas prison system to address unconstitutional conditions
Wolff v McDonald
The Supreme Court specified that when a person your face is serious disciplinary action that may result in segregation where the withdrawal of good time statements follow certain minimal procedures that conform to guarantee of due process
Prison litigation reform act
Makes filing lawsuits more difficult for prisoners.
Furman v Georgia
The US Supreme Court ruled that while the death penalty was constitutional the way it was used constituted cruel and unusual punishment
Gregg v Georgia
The court upheld those laws that require the sentencing judge or jury to take into account specific aggravating and mitigating factors deciding which convicted murders should be executed

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