Saturday, December 17, 2022

Dis1 - Discussion #1 - Today's Technology


Dis1 - Discussion #1 - Today's Technology

47 unread replies. 103 replies.

This discussion assignment has 2 parts, and is a mandatory, graded class assignment.  You must complete both parts for a maximum of 5 total points. 

No late work accepted under any circumstances... discussion board will close at 11:59 pm on the deadline date.  WRITE THE WORD COUNT AT END OF EACH RESPONSE.... NO WORD COUNT....NO FULL CREDIT

1.  (3 pts max)   Please write a 150-200 word response to the questions(s) below.  Responses less than 150 words will receive reduced credit.  This should be in your own words, using your own thoughts and ideas.  DO NOT RESEARCH for these questions, and do not give statistics, or information from other sources. Do not paraphrase or cite other sources.  ANSWER ALL PARTS OF THE QUESTION(S) FOR FULL CREDIT CONSIDERATION.      Hit "reply" button to submit an original response

 When you think about today's technologies, which ones are you most reliant upon?  ( please discuss 3 or 4 technologies).  Please discuss some ways that , you personally,  use or rely on those technologies?  Please give specific examples to answer both parts of the question. ( remember to write an accurate word count at the end of your response)

2.   (2 pt )   Please write  a 50-75 word (approx) answer to one of your classmate's response.  Open a classmate's response, read and give feedback to the writer.  Hit "reply" button to submit feedback to a classmate's response  ( remember to write an accurate word count at the end of your response)

Please remember...NO LATE POSTINGS ALLOWED.   Students have multiple days to complete this assignment, so loss of power, loss of internet, and broken technology is NEVER an excuse for missing deadlines. 


  1. When thinking about today’s technologies that I’m reliant on, there are a few that come to mind, cell phone, laptop, camera, and air conditioning. I rely on my phone everyday to wake me up, to provide communication for me and my family, and to keep important notes that I need. My phone has years of memories and information on it that I don’t have anywhere else. A cell phone now is so convenient and normalized for our day to day lives that in some situations most people's first thoughts are “where’s my phone?!” Regardless if it’s an emergency and you need to make a call, or a memorable moment and you need a picture or video. My laptop helps me with my creative side of things. I love to make custom shirts, cups, and party decorations with my cricut and designing all these items on my laptop makes time fly by. My camera is something that I’m reliant on because I love taking pictures of my son. I used to take them on my phone but I realized I will probably never print them out and they can easily get lost so taking pictures on my camera is such a special moment for us and a way I know I can easily develop them, and have them for years to come. An AC is essential to me because I am a very hot bodied person and love it being cold instead of too hot. Where I live the building gets very hot, very fast, and the AC needs to be turned on so often because without it it will easily become 90° inside. 

  2. The invention of the phone, and the technologies that allow for its function, are definitely revolutionary and essential to the current world that we have today. I would also be completely lost as to how I would navigate around my surroundings and communicate with my loved ones without its existence. Phones, as they exist today, also allow for rapid pictures and videos to preserve memories and moments that are important to us. You're absolutely right about how significant of a technology the cellphone is.

  3. I agree just like you , I also rely on my phone heavily nowadays the modern phone gets better and better every year and it also serves many people like us students a way to keep In touch with one another and it also has many purposes that other technologies lack just like an alarm clock our phones automatically wakes us up but a clock doesn't send messages and capture pictures like our cell phones do. 

    Word count : 75

  4. I couln't agree more with the AC, I am also a very hot bodied person, and ecspecially with the recent heat not sure what i'd be able to do without it. Just being able to press a button and the tempetaure can change from 100 to 75 is incredicbly nice and effeicent.-52

  5. Hey Alexis, 
    I enjoyed reading your post. I completely agree with you. Our cell phones have so much information and memories that we can always look back to as years go by. I honestly do not know how we would get by without cellphones, given how dependent we are of them. I am also a hot bodied person so the use of AC comes in so handy and is such a crucial part of my overall comfort. The use of all the technologies you mentioned are such essential parts of our world and culture today. 

  6. Technology is absolutely essential to our world. This is especially true within the medical world, where I have first-hand experience from my time as an EMT. Within my professional life computers and sensors are absolutely essential to the work that I do. Without the sensors built into the pulse oximetry device I use at work, a major component of my job would be impossible as I would no longer be able to monitor the blood oxygen saturation within my patients. Without modern advancements in fabrics and plastics, I would also be unable to protect myself from pathogens. The gloves I wear and the masks I use to filter infectious particles would simply not exist as they rely on modern production methods and materials to create. Another technology that is essential to the work I do would be the internet and the technology that allows for its existence. Without this piece of technology, my work would radically change as I would then be unable to effectively and quickly receive and relay information about my patients. Sad to say, I am unable to imagine a world without these technologies and I pray that we never go back to a time before them.

  7. When thinking about today's technologies that I frequently use, the first one would be the web. The web, also known as the internet is something that the majority of people use. This is because of its functionality of it, the speed of completing things, the information it holds, and more. People have begun using the web to learn and a great example of this would be during covid. I have been using the web more than ever as during covid a lot of schools moved online and where if you were to go back a couple of decades this would seem ridiculous. This is because all the information that a person can teach can be found online. It doesn't matter if you are a visual, auditory, or reading learner. There are all methods that can be found online, examples include youtube or informational videos for both auditory and visual, and you can find pdfs for reading. I use the web every day because of its convenience and its functionality and on top of that, I also use it for entertainment, and ways to communicate with people. I can easily contact the person that I want to contact and in my free time, I can access anything on the internet such as Netflix, youtube, games, and much more for entertainment.

  8. When it comes to technology, I automatically think about my phone, laptop, and equipment used at my job. I rely heavily on my phone from morning to night. It's my alarm clock, my calendar, my means to communicate and even during my down time when I scroll through social media. The laptop also feels like an extension to my phone because what I need to access on my phone, I can access on my laptop such as photos and messages. I grew up having physical copies of the dictionary separated from A to Z. Now it's so much easier for me to look up information in seconds whether on my phone or on my laptop. I mainly use the laptop for work or streaming services like HBO or Netflix. I work in the dental field and all patient information has been digitized which is really convenient. It saves time for all notes to be in one place. There's no need to have physical copies of xrays which gets uploaded immediately instead of ~5mins per film. With everything being online, there's less of a need to be on the phone for hours when everything can be sent online to insurances, doctors, pharmacies, and patients. Everything is processed quicker this way and you can always see the history of a conversation or what you last did/sent. 

